What You Need To Know About Alternative Medicine
- By:Arthur Gueli
Alternative medicine practitioners are often "holistic," claiming to treat the mind, body and soul of the patient. Treatments provide some services not available from conventional medicine; the practices are often based in belief systems not derived from modern science.
It is import to understand that alternative practitioners see themselves as facilitators, and do not claim to be doctors, and that alternative medicine means treatments that you use instead of standard ones. No one is ever forced to use these methods; it is completely up to the patient.
Alternative actually encompasses a very large array of different systems and therapies ranging from holistic medicine to vitamin therapy. Alternative medicine works, but sometimes not as quickly as taking a drug.
Many people today do not like taking medications because of the side affects that many of them have. Often, people will develop complications from the medicines that they took to cure the original illness.
Alternative medicine believes in gentle, long-term support to enable the body's own innate powers to do the healing. It is believed that by using nature's ingredients, the illness will disappear and the patient will be healthy again. Alternative uses time-tested, natural remedies and gentle, hands-on treatments.
Alternative, without exception, considers each person as a unique individual and uses a holistic approach in treatment. Each patient is treated individually, even if they have the same illness. In almost all cases using alternative medicine, it is required that the patient takes a highly active part in both prevention and treatment.
Alternative therapies include, but are not limited to the following disciplines: folk medicine, herbal medicine, diet fads, homeopathy, faith healing, new age healing, chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy, massage, and music therapy. These are just a few of the methods that are used in Alternative. There are actually thousand of them.
Alternative critics agree with its proponents that people should be free to choose whatever method of healthcare they want, but stipulate that people must be informed as to the safety and efficacy of whatever method they choose.
They do not believe that alternative is safe by any stretch of the imagination. This is most likely because they went to school to become doctors, and being trained in one way, it is difficult to believe in anything outside of that realm.
The debate regarding the safety of alternative medicine will continue on because neither side can provide sustainable proof that it does not work. The mind is a powerful entity, and it has yet to be fully understood. Whenit is however, maybe then the answers to so many questions will be found.About the author:
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For more relevant and important information about alternative medicine visit: http://www.information-on-the-internet.com/alternative_medicine