Why Pursue Colorado Lasik Refractive Eye Surgery Anyway?

By:Chris Montgomery

It goes like this: if you have an eye condition (namely hyperopia, myopia, or astigmatism), you have the option of pursuing a Colorado Lasik refractive eye surgery procedure so that you have no need of corrective prosthesis like contact lenses or eyeglasses anymore. A Colorado Lasik procedure is basically the laser eyesight correction procedure done in a Colorado eye surgeon’s clinic or in a hospital.

Lasik eye surgery maybe just one of the disciplines your Colorado Lasik eye surgeon specializes in. The Colorado Lasik doctor may also specialize in other forms of laser eye surgery (namely Epi-Lasik, LASEK, and PRK.) If you are scared of undergoing Lasik eye surgery at your Colorado Lasik eye surgeon’s clinic, or if the Colorado Lasik doctor doesn’t feel that is the most appropriate medical procedure you should undergo, try asking if custom Lasik or monovision Lasik are better for you.

One thing you should never do is agree to a Colorado Lasik refractive eye operation instantly. Actually, a prudent patient may even want to get a second (or third) opinion from another Colorado Lasik ophthalmologist first, because it is possible you deserve a less-invasive type of eyesight correction procedure. Remember, a Colorado Lasik eye surgery operation always has a small percentage of risk that something could go wrong (meaning, you could wind up with certain vision problems after the Colorado Lasik procedure is done. It’s happened before to other people.)

To cut down on the risks, you should be very careful as to which Colorado Lasik eye doctor and clinic you entrust your eyes to. The Colorado Lasik specialist should conduct a very careful and thorough eye exam to see if you qualify for the Colorado Lasik procedure. Yes, correct – not all people are good candidates for this Colorado Lasik procedure. Some people, for instance, may have thin corneas so undergoing a laser eye surgery would be very harmful for their cornea. If you have a pre-existing eye condition (such as glaucoma or a cataract) that would also rule out a Colorado Lasik procedure as the eyesight correction procedure for you.

Choose a Colorado Lasik specialist who pays great attention to details. You can see this in little ways as you observe him in the clinic: does he have clean well-kept hands and nails? Does he smell nice? Is his clinic really clean (as in clinically clean?) Do his staff (as well as the doctor himself) practice good hygienic habits even during the consultation phase – like washing their hands before touching you, and after touching you? A doctor who doesn’t pay attention to these little things may be dangerous to have near your eyes where every minute action counts.

Check if the doctor really knows about the Colorado Lasik procedure by pointedly asking questions. There is no harm in this and you – the potential patient – have every right to make queries. For one thing, you are paying this doctor enough for his time, and will pay him even more for the Colorado Lasik procedure itself. Considering that health insurance doesn’t cover Colorado Lasik procedures yet, you need to make the most out of all the money you spend for consultations, and then the Colorado Lasik procedure itself.

About the author:
Dr. Jon Dishler offers his patients more LASIK choices with 5 state- of- the art on site LASIK laser, and two custom platforms with wavefront capabilities, Bausch and Lomb Zyoptix and Alcon Custom Cornea to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Dr. Dishler performs over 42,000 Denver Lasik Surgeries.
For more information visit http://www.dishler.com