3 Steps on How to Get Rid of Blackheads

By:frank dipiazza

I Write this because; when I was young...I suffered through the pain of acne.

I was called a pizza face,I cant tell you how many times... Since my last

name was DiPiazza that didn't help any...I heard "HEY!!" " DEEP PIZZA!!.

Anyway, I was told by my parents even though they meant well..."wash your

face more and you wouldn't have that problem." Well I can tell you this...I

always washed my face,sometimes till it was raw that wasn't the problem...

In fact it wasn't until later on in life,that I was told soap was the worst

thing you can put on your face...And I spent years washing with soap

especially my face. Well thats what my parents used,and the parents before

them... See back then, nobody really knew what it was that was causing

Blackheads,Acne bad skin in general."Heck They Probably Used Lye Soap."

But when I started growing up, and really took notice of my parents... I

noticed,they had some pretty severe pot marks "scars" themselves...Especially

my Dad.But it's not something you really notice "Who wants to stare at their

parents especially dear old Dad for any length of time..." So I came to the

conclusion,although they meant well...Not even they knew, what it was that

really caused Acne...

As a matter of fact,I think they thought it was some kind of curse that

happens to some families...LOL! The knowledge I am about to tell you, I wish

I had during my formidable years. Especially,during High School... But I am

Clean and Clear now! At least I don't have to die with acne.What's so messed-

up about the whole thing,is it's really pretty simple... Are you ready...

Step One:

Your going to slap yourself over this...WATER...Im not kidding,And "I don't

mean soaking in it." I mean drinking it...I know what? But I'm serious...

Remember, when you were told to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day,to

keep you Hydrated to clean you out...And your reply was " YEAH YEAH YEAH..."

Man I mean it's science,think about it.Water weight... When your body has

enough water,the skin stretches becomes a little bloated well this in effect

tightens your pores...Makes them very small thus nothing can get in them no "

blackhead." Crazy isn't it...You have a problem drinking water in it's

natural state... Spice it up! A bit with a little lemon or honey whatever,

they even have little flavor packets now. But whatever you do drink water!!!

And drink the recommended amount you will notice a difference...

Step Two:

Buy Face Soap!!!And I don't mean bar soap...Actual face soap with Moisturizer.

If you use regular soap on your face you might as well use "LYE Soap" it

will have the same effect,it will dry the hell out of your face. And if you

think you can just use Moisturizer afterwards,that wont cut it...Buy the Face

Soap that comes in a pump there's many brands you can get,I like oil of olay

myself. But there are tons more that will do the job...

Step Three:

"Last but not least" put on Sun Block when your outside...You don't have to

cover yourself like a latte with whip cream,for gosh sakes rub it in...

Remember all you need is moisture...If you are in an advanced state of acne,

still follow the steps above. But also,learn more about proper advanced

techniques & the healing process. If you follow my advice you will see a

drastic improvement.I wouldn't lie,I've been there and it's no fun...The

information below is what I used to help me overcome this childhood dilemma.

I wish only that I would of known this for myself back then... " I knew I

should have paid more attention to science..." Hope this article was

informative for you,and gets you on the right track...

Have A Great Day!!!

To get your hands on a great book that has helped me...And I Highly Recommend

it... The Tips Mentioned Above,Will Get you started on the way to great

looking skin. But this book will help you take care of problem skin that's in

a more advanced state

About the author:
Frank Dipiazza is a avid consumer advocate. Who has struggled with ane
all of his teenage life."But not anymore!!" he highly recommends these steps.
And uses them every waking day of his life.