Age Spots - The Hydroquinone Controversy
- By:Grant Eckert Eckert
We are all going to age - whether we like it or not. That, however, does not mean we need to take the aging process in stride or even just sit back and allow it to happen. Science has developed numerous ways to help us slow down the process of aging - and even cause it to halt for a while. But with every new innovation comes a new doubt; will this product work as well as it says it will? And, is it safe for long term use? These are the questions that people are asking about age spot treatments, more specifically hydroquinone.
What are Age Spots?
Age spots are areas of pigmentation that start to show up on our hands, our faces, our necks and chests. Caused by sun exposure and increased by genetics, age spots can make us look older than we are, depending on when they show up. For most people, these spots will not begin to show themselves until after their 50s, but with a longer history of days in the sun, more spots area showing up when people are in their 40s. Also called liver spots, these age spots are something that can be treated, though prevention is always the best cure.
If you have not seen any age spots yet, you should begin to wear sunscreen on all exposed areas of your skin every day. This will help to slow down the appearance of these spots, while also helping to protect you from all of the signs of aging that most of us are trying to avoid showing.
Treatments for Age Spots
There are a number of ways that people are treating age spots, even beyond using sunscreen as a preventative measure.- AHAs - Alpha hydroxy acids are fruit acids that can help to soften the appearance of age spots on your skin. By removing the outer layers of skin, you will be able to create a softer and lighter appearance to the spots, while also revealing youthful skin layers. These AHAs can be found in creams, lotions, and serums over the counter at any local retailer.
- Chemical peels - For more severe cases of age spots, you might want to use a more radical treatment. When you go to a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, they might recommend a chemical peel, which will take off even more layers of the skin to soften the appearance of the spots. Side effects include redness and peeling, which will diminish with time and proper after care.
- Vitamin A - Using retinol and other retinoids has also been shown to help reduce the effects of sun and aging. Applied to the skin like AHAs, these products can be found at local retailers without a prescription.
Microdermabrasion is another possible treatment for these spots, but needs to be done by a licensed technician or physician.
What about Hydroquinone?
Hydroquinone is an ingredient that's found in skin lightening lotions and serums. When applied to the skin, it helps to lighten uneven pigmentation, like age spots. But while this is a highly effective ingredient that's still found over the counter in some products, there is some concern over the long term effects. If you were to take in this chemical by itself, it is carcinogenic - that is, it can cause cancer. Though you are only going to be applying the lotion to your skin, there is some concern that these carcinogenic properties may still be viable in topical treatments. Some countries have gone so far as to ban the ingredient in all forms.
The trick with this ban is that the hydroquinone does work, but at what price? With all of the other treatments that are available, perhaps it's best to see what the other safer options have to offer.About the author:
About Author:
Craig Elliott is a writer for Lane Labs. Lane Labs is a leading provider of Collagen Supplements- AHAs - Alpha hydroxy acids are fruit acids that can help to soften the appearance of age spots on your skin. By removing the outer layers of skin, you will be able to create a softer and lighter appearance to the spots, while also revealing youthful skin layers. These AHAs can be found in creams, lotions, and serums over the counter at any local retailer.