An Average Cost Involved In Surgery

By:Awinita Smith

In case of beauty, personality everyone finds plastic surgery is the best option. But before going to the surgery you should know about cost involved in the surgery. This extra information helps you to know actual idea about surgery.

The following is a list of the national average cost of plastic surgeon's fee for a wide array of plastic surgery procedure. This data was based on 2003 data and was compiled by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery:
Abdominiplasty (Tummy tuck) $4,827 ($568,109,023)
Blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery) $2,599 ($695,607,279)
Breast Augmentation $3,360 ($942,015,163)
Breast Lift $3,965 ($305,052,304)
Breast: nipple enlargement (cosmetic only) $1,792 ($947,330)
Breast: nipple reduction (without breast reduction) $1,516 ($2,414,743)
Breast reduction (women) $5,351 ($787,439,833)
Buttock augmentation $3,681 ($14,293,523)
Buttock lifts $4,793 ($17,081,903)
Calf augmentation $3,075 ($3,597,443)
Cheek implants $2,643 ($21,911,756)
Chin augmentation $1,957 ($54,800,342)
Facelift $5,966 ($749,194,946)
Forehead lifts $3,065 ($235,043,778)
Gynecomastia treatment (male breast reduction) $3,124 ($68,880,133)
Hair transplantation $3,084 ($51,306,382)
Lip augmentation (other than injectable materials) $1,633 ($37,817,607)
Lipoplasty (liposuction) $2,578 ($991,380,149)
Lower body lifts $7,874 ($86,362,657)
Otoplasty $2,762 ($76,813,540)
Pectoral (male chest) augmentation $3,992 ($6,927,804)
Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) $3869 ($667,133,513)
Thigh lifts $4,308 ($37,927,025)
Umbilicoplasty (not with abdominoplasty) $1,688 ($2,594,324)
Upper arm lift $3,299 ($34,946,097)
Non-surgical Procedures
Botox injection $384 ($871,401,049)
Cellulite treatment (mechanical roller massage therapy) $449 ($12,525,989)
Chemical peel $800 ($578,118,755)
Dermabrasion (not including microdermabrasion) $1,405 ($38,749,031)
Laser hair removal $388 ($358,465,511)
Laser skin resurfacing $2,317 ($295,315,035)
Laser treatment of leg veins $389 ($66,269,251)
Microdermabrasion $161 ($137,972,778)
Sclerotherapy $272 ($120,758, 645)
Soft tissue fillers:
1) Autologous fat $1,270 ($114,714,952)
2) Calcium hydroxylapatite (Radiance) $1,169 (37,303,640)
3) Collagen $381 ($236,349,102)
4) Hylaronic Acid $552 ($64,182,446)

Most plastic surgery clinics will work with you to determine the best way for you to cover your plastic surgery costs, including financing loans, or paying on an installment plan.

You should entrust your face or body to a certified surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. These are the surgeons who have gone through vigorous training and testing. The certification is the "gold standard" in the plastic surgery industry.

About the author:
This article has been published by Awinita Smith whose specialization are in Health related topics and currently writing on Skin Treatment topics for In past, she has written more articles on natural health care which can be seen in the same website. For more details about the Skin related issues or Natural Skin Care, please visit website. If any mistake or error is found in this published article, please get back to us at this address; so that we can rectify it promptly. You can also see more information on acne treatment on this page: