Anthelios SX Our Skins New Savior?

By:Michael S. Brown brown

Sun protection can come at a price but without it could costs us an even bigger price. Every year more and more people are developing skin cancer experiencing premature skin aging. Often times we don't think about the fact that every time we get a sunburn it potential damages our skin to the point where we could develop skin cancer. Even last week as I write this I was out mowing my lawn and went back inside because I had forgotten to put sun screen on. However I remembered to late as I had already been outside for an hour with out any protection from the sun. A SPF 8 sun screen may not be enough anymore and I'd get fried with anything less. I did burn slightly after being out for an hour with no sun screen as I am fair skinned to begin with. After that sun burn it reminded me that we take for granted that the sun burn goes away and we suffer no consequences. In reality over time our skin could age far more rapidly than we'd like or even worse develop skin Melanoma.

Modern science and technology have advanced us far along enough to where we may begin to see better protection in sun screens. Recently the FDA has approved the formula for Anthelios SX a new sun care moisturizing cream. This cream is designed to block harmful UV Rays. UV rays are also called ultra violet rays which have been linked to skin cancer. Many experts agree that 80% of skin aging is because of UV rays. Anthelios SX has been determined to block not only UVB but also UVA rays which are always in our presence even on cloudy or winter days. UVA rays penetrate the epidermis and the dermis which can cause sun burns, redness blistering etc. Overtime UVA cause the skin to sag and stretch due to an almost severing effect to the epidermis which causes the skin to become saggy and wrinkled. UVB rays penetrate into mostly the epidermis but could also cause burns with prolonged exposure to the sun. UVB rays are the rays the penetrate the skin and form pigmentation due to forming melanin. Its important to remember that both types of rays are harmful to your skin with over exposure.

So you may ask what Anthelios SX does different than other sun screens or how can it help where others formulas and sunscreen can't? Anthelios SX simply uses a substance in its formula called Mexoryl SX. It has the ability to stabilize in the sunlight and prevent short wave UVA rays from harming the skin. Preventing short wave UVA rays may be exactly what separates Anthelios SX from other sun screens and help prevent further aging by the sun.

This could become a very useful product for anti aging and anti skin cancer treatment. In any event it is going to be something I try this year just to see what type of results I can expect for myself. Knowing your own skin can be the difference of over exposure to the sun or not. However just protecting our skin when we go out on a day to day basis seems anymore like it may be the logical choice. The FDA doesn't allow many approvals like this one and they don't allow many products unless there is much proof as to how effectively they work. So as far as summer goes for me; I'll probably give Anthelios SX a try this year. What harm could it do and in the end it may be the prevention that keeps me looking young.

About the author:

Michael Brown

Anthelios SX Moisturizing Sunscreen