Benzaclin: Rescuer from Teenage Acne
- By:Adam Frazer
Teenage brings in various changes including skin care issues like acne. In fact, acne can be used as a synonym for teenage. Acne amongst teens is primarily caused due to hormonal changes, during puberty phase. During the phase of puberty, a sex hormone, testosterone, found in both men and women, tends to increase in number and produce more sebum (oil) in the body. This sebum (oil) along with deed skin cells blocks the pores, which is consequential in acne. This skin condition is characterized by appearance of zits, breakouts or pimples.
Acne can appear in any part of the body including neck, chest, face, shoulder, back, and even upper arms. Benzaclin acne care medication is one of the skin care medication available in the market, which has gained popularity due to its efficacy.
Benzaclin is easy to use and visible result can be seen within a span of 2 weeks. The most enticing part of using this acne medication is that it can be easily worn under your make-up. It does not require any special storage requirements like refrigeration and can easily carried on trips etc.
Benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin are two active anti-acne agents facilitating an effectual treatment. Benzoyl peroxide is an element frequently employed to battle with acne. It is useful in lessening the irritation of acne. Benzoyl peroxide is even effectual at drying the oil normally situated in acne vulgaris patients. Clindamycin is an antibiotic that assists in combating bacteria and lessens inflammation of pimples.
It is a topical prescription skin care medication which can be directly applied to the affected areas. Prior to application of this skin care medication, clean the affected area with a mild cleanser and warm water. Usually Benzaclin is suggested to be applied twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. If you experience any adverse effects with Benzaclin usage, speak to your dermatologist for appropriate medical support.
You can buy Benzaclin by means of online pharmacies or street retailers. If you plan to buy it from online pharmacies, you may get enticing discounts on your purchase owing to the stiff competition amid these pharmacies.
About the author:
Adam Frazer writes on beauty and health. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for Online SkinCare Tips. To learn more about acne care medication, Renova, Online Skin Care Tips, Benzaclin, Skin care medication visit