Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery
- By:Awinita Smith
Eyelid Surgery, or blepharoplasty, is used to remove the fat deposits and loose skin that may form on the lower eyelids with age. Many factors, including heredity and sun damage, accelerate these changes. Younger people also elect to have this procedure done to eliminate puffiness of the eyes from congenital excess fatty tissue. The eyelift surgeries can also be performed by general plastic surgeons with specialization in ocuplasty or ear-nose-throat. Some dermatologists as well general ophthalmologists may also be qualified to carry out this type of surgery.
The prices of eye lift are derived from a survey of plastic surgeons that are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
The eye lift typical costs include the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, operating room fee, and (where appropriate) the product fee - especially if the recommended lasers are used. When you call a plastic surgeon's office to inquire about price, make sure you get the whole breakdown. Costs in the United States are the same from coast to coast and across the Midwest. The only exception is the New York area, where you are expected to pay about 50% more. This is the typical breakdown for the costs:
Surgeon's fee -- $2000 - 3000
Anesthesiologist's fee -- $700
Operating room (facility) fee -- $900
Laser treatment -- $1300
Total -- $6000 - $7000
When you first visit the surgeon, he or she will discuss the surgery and the expected results of the surgery with you. What you would like to improve in appearance, this is your decision. Next you and the surgeon will discuss your motives for and expectations of the surgery as well and the surgeon will have to make sure that you have realistic expectations.
Most patients who have undergone an eyelift surgery can expect some of the following side-effects:
The area around the eye may be swollen, bruised and very tender in the few weeks after the surgery.
If there are any scars (though there usually aren't) they may be a bit pink and somewhat visible in the first few weeks as well. This will fade as the area recovers.
There may be some problems with vision - blurry vision - and the eye itself may be reddened.
In most cases, after the eyelift surgery there is usually minimal pain and you can control it easily with mild pain reliever medications like Tylenol or Advil. Usually, for the first day, after the surgery the patients is asked to put gauze pads soaked with ice water or to put specifically designed ice packs over the eyes in order to reduce swelling and bruising. They should replace the ice packs every twenty minutes or so while staying awake.
About the author:
This article has been published by Awinita Smith whose specialization are in Health related topics and currently writing on Skin Treatment topics for In past, she has written more articles on natural health care which can be seen in the same website. For more details about the Skin related issues or Natural Skin Care, please visit website. If any mistake or error is found in this published article, please get back to us at this address; so that we can rectify it promptly. You can also see more information on acne treatment on this page: