Can Natural Skin Care Techniques Help Cellulite?
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Images of women with beautiful, smooth skin in magazines, on television and in movies could lead you to believe that those unsightly dimples on your thighs are rare. Nothing could be further from the truth. Almost all women have some cellulite, and in the real world we do not have the advantage of air-brushing and digital techniques that magically erase our imperfections. What is cellulite, and is there a cure that you can add to your natural skin care routine?
Cellulite is caused by collections of fat pushing against the connective tissue under the skin, causing the skin to dimple. The cause of this is not really known - it appears to be a combination of factors; genetics, age, thickness of the skin, and so on. Contrary to popular belief, it is not found only on women and is not dependant on being overweight.
There are several treatments on the market, but almost none of them are appropriate for someone who prefers natural skin care - chemical creams and lotions, liposuction and mesotherapy (the injection of drugs into the cellulite) are the most common. Although some of these may result in a temporary fix, none of them will handle the problem permanently.
However, there are changes you can make to your natural skin care routine that may help:
1. Diet: Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, raw as much as possible, salad dressings made with olive oil with vinegar or lemon juice, freshly made vegetable juices, eggs, lowfat cheese, natural yogurt, lean meat, fish and poultry. Forget the bread and pasta.
2. Water: Six to eight glasses every day, spread throughout the day, will keep the body hydrated. You should also use a topical solution to prevent dry skin, but use a shielding lotion instead of moisturizers. A shielding lotion keeps the natural moisture in the skin instead of just making it feel moist.
3. Exercise: Although aerobic exercise is good for overall health, stretching and yoga are better for reducing or preventing cellulite.
4. Massage: Massage to reduce cellulite has special techniques, but they are easy to learn and can be done at home instead of taking a trip to the spa. Begin by stroking the area (always towards the heart) to get the circulation going, and then knead the flesh with your fingers to loosen the fat deposits. Always follow with another stroking to flush away the loosened cells. The massage should be hard and deep, but not enough to cause bruising.
This natural skin care routine will help reduce existing cellulite, prevent its formation and benefit your overall health. The best news is the absence of drugs and harmful chemicals - it is completely natural. Skin care using natural techniques and natural products is the only sure way to the healthy, beautiful skin you've always wanted.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit