Do You Know These Things About Deodorant and Sweat?

By:louise forrest

Are you one of the millions of people around the world who swipes deodorant on each day before you leave the house? Did you know that deodorant only helps control odor producing bacteria and works best in fairly dry conditions? The bacteria that cause odor grow more rapidly in warm, moist conditions, which is why your deodorant may not seem to be working after you have been sweating for a while. Because your have a high concentration of sweat glands under your arms, the area (which is already fairly warm) gets moist very quickly in a variety if conditions: exercise, high heat, high stress, embarrassment, fever, etc.

If you very rarely have trouble with sweating, you are one of those who are able to avoid store-bought deodorants with their man made chemicals. You can use baking soda and cornstarch in a 50/50 mixture. Another thing that will help a lot is for you to take a serious inventory of your diet. Are you eating a bunch of processed food? Drinking a lot of processed drinks (soda, most ready made juices, etc) or eating a lot of red meat? By switching to a healthier diet, you will help control your natural body odor.

Antiperspirants help control your sweat production. For those who have trouble with perspiration, you will need to purchase your antiperspirants. These products usually have a main (active) ingredient that is aluminum based. Two of the more common active ingredients are aluminum chloride and aluminum hydoxybromide. The aluminum in the compound is what helps to control your sweat production. The aluminum ions are absorbed into the openings of your sweat glands and water enters the ions. This makes the openings of the sweat glands swell and close, keeping the sweat in the gland. The effect wears of after a while, which is why antiperspirant has to be reapplied regularly. Most of the antiperspirants you buy will reduce your sweating by at least 20 percent.

Some studies show links between aluminum and various diseases. This is why many people who are not affected by great amounts of sweat often choose to use a natural way to deodorize, like the baking soda or cornstarch mixture mentioned above. These diseases include: Alzheimers, liver diseases, and cancer; it is believed that the aluminum is entering the blood stream because of its absorption into the skin. It is important to keep in mind that though there may be a link, there must be other factors, or everyone who used products with aluminum as an active ingredient would all be suffering from these diseases at some point.

Approximately 2.5 percent of the total world population is affected by a disorder which causes an over-production of sweat. If your body is producing massive amounts of sweat, you have hyperhidrosis, which affects more people in the 25-64 age groups than other ages. The main areas affected by this sweating are the palms, soles, underarms, chest, face, and back. And the condition can be quite embarrassing to the person suffering with it.

Because of the psychological impact for the person whose body is over producing sweat, there is an impact of major life activities, sometimes creating physical, occupational, and social impairment. To add to this, Anxiety tends to increase the sweat production, making matters worse for the patient in these situations. When anxiety enters the picture, it simply adds to a situation that has already triggered over production in your sweat glands.

If you suffer from this condition, there are medications that your doctor can prescribe for you. Usually these are a topical cream or other topical treatment and often have a higher concentration of aluminum, but will give you significantly better results than products you can purchase over the counter. See your doctor to find out what options you can choose to remedy your condition if you have trouble with excessive perspiration.

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