Do You Need Help Controlling Chafing?

By:louise forrest

Skin Chafing is a common problem and it usually occurs in places such as the thighs, the groin, the armpits, the nipples, and generally any area that is rubbed constantly. It is particularly common in athletes and people who wear really tight clothing and it can be a frustrating problem.

Skin Chafing Causes and Symptoms

As mentioned, skin chafing is usually caused by constant rubbing of the skin. You can get it through a number of different activities such as walking, running, cycling, gymnastics, and even rugby. Generally any sport and activity can cause the condition. It all depends upon what you wear really that determines how bad the condition will be.

The problem is also made worse by sweating and the rain as well as any other moisture. Usually the most common sites for chafing are the inner thighs and just under the breasts. They can become extremely sore and red, and it can make it extremely difficult to go about your daily business normally.

There are usually no gradual symptoms that lead up to chafing, it is generally a condition which appears suddenly, and it is followed by a stinging or burning sensation. It is important that you do get the condition treated, as if you simply just carry on allowing the skin to rub together, the condition could worsen and even start to ooze.This can then cause the skin to become infected and you could have an even more painful condition to deal with!

Overweight people also have a problem with this condition just as much as athletes do. This is because if you are overweight, your skin tends to be extremely close together, especially on the thighs, and it can often rub so much that it causes blisters. It is harder for a person who is overweight to control their problem, than it is for an athlete to as if you are overweight, the skin is constantly rubbing together, even when you are not exercising or doing any strenuous activity.The main symptom of chafing skin is redness, a stinging or burning sensation, and flaky skin.

Treatment and Prevention of Chafing

It is usually possible to treat chafing skin, and to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Some simple ways to prevent and treat the condition include:

Giving the Skin a Chance to Heal
If your skin is affected by chafing, you will need to make sure that it has a good chance to heal. Take time out from exercise or any strenuous activity and allow the skin to soothe itself and heal.

Your skin will never heal if you continue to allow it to rub without giving it a chance to heal.

Treat The Area With Ointment

Using ointment or treatments such as Vaseline and Noxzema will really help to soothe the affected area. They help to keep the skin slippery, which allows the skin on the legs for example, to slip past each other, rather than rub against each other. These treatments can be really inexpensive, yet they are also really effective.

Wear Loose Fitting Clothing

It is a good idea to wear loose fitting clothing as often as you can in order to both prevent, and help to treat chafing skin. If you are an athlete and you do need to wear tight fitting clothing, try and make sure that it is made from natural fibers as that way they will help to absorb sweat and keep it away from the skin. The main thing is to make sure that your clothes do absorb moisture and that allow air to get in.

Anti Fungal Treatments

Often chafing skin can turn into a fungal infection if it is left for more than a few days untreated. In this instance you will need to see a doctor and they should be able to prescribe you the best treatment. If not, you can always buy over the counter medicine for the condition at any local drugstore.

Overall it is fairly easy to prevent and treat chafing skin. It is extremely common and most people end up with it at some time in their lives. Try and treat the condition as early as possible in order to stop it from turning into a nasty infection.

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