Do you think it is Impossible to Create Your Own Organic Cosmetics? Think Again!

By:louise forrest

Whilst it may seem easier to simply buy your cosmetics, it is sometimes better for your skin if you actually make the products yourself. You may think that making your own organic cosmetics is impossible, but you might actually be surprised!

The general rule you should remember when creating your own cosmetics is if you would not like to eat it, do not put it on your skin. This may sound ridiculous but what makes us think that chemicals are better for the skin than natural products?

Creating Your Own Organic Skin Care Products for the Face

All you need to get started are a few organic ingredients, a few recipes and a little enthusiasm. Some good recipes include:

A Great Facial Scrub

In order to create a nice facial scrub all you need is honey, yoghurt and oatmeal. Combine them altogether and rub them over the face before thoroughly washing the mixture off. If you have a reaction to honey, you could always just use the yoghurt and oatmeal. The oatmeal is what makes the scrubbing part of the scrub as the pieces of oats rub against the skin and get rid of all dead skin. This really can leave your face looking moisturized and refreshed.

A Moisturizing Facial

If you suffer from dry skin you may want to try the honey facial. Honey is widely known for its moisturizing properties and it is used in many homemade recipes. In this one simply combine one tablespoon of honey with one egg yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil. Once all the ingredients have been mixed together, simply leave on the skin for up to fifteen minutes and wash off to reveal smoother, healthier looking skin.

Face Masks

There are quite a few face masks you can make for yourself and one of those is the Peach mask. This is used for tightening the skin and all you need is one ripe peach which has been peeled and pitted, and one egg white. Whip the two ingredients together and once completely mixed, apply the mixture to the face and sit back for around half an hour before rinsing it off with cool water.

Another good mask is the Cucumber mask. Now cucumber is used for many beauty recipes but it is especially good for oily skin. So if you do have oily skin this mask is for you. You will need half a cucumber, one tablespoon of mint and one tablespoon of lemon juice, as well as an egg white. Mix them altogether into a puree and store it in a fridge for ten minutes. Next apply it to the face and leave on for around fifteen minutes. It is important to rinse the mixture off with warm, and then cool water.

If you have blemishes a mask containing a ripe tomato, one tablespoon of rolled oats and one tablespoon of lemon juice may well be for you. Blend everything together and apply it to your skin. You have to make sure that the mixture is thick enough to cling onto blemished areas. Leave the mixture on for around ten minutes and then scrub it all off.

Overall there are quite a few different products you can create for the face. If you take a quick look online you will find hundreds of do it yourself recipes. All you need is a little time, motivation and imagination and you can easily create your own products to suit your skin.

Making your own cosmetics really does not need to be expensive and many ingredients can usually be found in the kitchen cupboard anyway. Whatever skin type you have, there is always something for you.

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