Dry Skin - An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
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As the body is naturally composed largely of water, it is obvious that allowing the body to dehydrate is extremely harmful. In fact, it is now recognized that drinking several glasses of water daily is necessary to good health. However, it is also necessary to prevent the loss of that water, much of which occurs through the skin. Damaged, dry skin allows more water loss that usual so to protect the body against dehydration it is also necessary to prevent dry skin. Using a good dry skin care product does double duty: it prevents dry skin and locks in the moisture necessary to good health.
Years ago it was thought that the body was composed of 98 percent water. More recent research has confirmed it to be about 60 percent, but some parts contain more than others: the brain is composed of 70 percent water, the lungs are nearly 90 percent and the blood is about 83 percent. For the body to function properly, those water levels must be maintained. The water in the blood, for example, helps the digestion process, transports waste and controls body temperature - vital functions. These processes deplete the body of about 3 quarts of water every day, all of which has to be replaced.
However, preventing unnecessary water loss is also important. About eight ounces are lost daily through healthy skin, although this number climbs in the hot summer months or when we sweat more than usual. Damaged or dry skin allows even more water loss. The surface layer of healthy skin is composed of dead skin cells, fats and natural oils in a balance that helps prevent water loss and protects against chemicals and other drying compounds. When the skin is dry, it has more dead skin cells and less fats and oils. Water seeps through cracks in the skin and both the skin and body become dehydrated.
Most people use moisturizers to prevent this but, unfortunately, most moisturizers don't do the job: instead of preventing water loss, they coat the skin so it appears to be moist and supple but, in fact, underneath that slick coat is the same dry skin you're trying to prevent.
What is the solution? Shielding lotion, a breakthrough in dry skin care treatment. A good shielding lotion actually prevents water loss by bonding with the surface layer of the skin to form a new protective layer. Instead of simply making the skin feel good, it actually locks the natural moisture in. The skin can then heal itself and produce the lipids and oils that would normally protect it.
Don't let dry skin affect your health. Drink lots of water, and use a shielding lotion for dry skin care that really solves the problem.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit http://www.SkinMDNatural.com.