Dry Skin Becomes Moist and Supple with Coconuts
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If you’ve been reading health magazines, or even some of the mainstream women’s magazines, you have probably heard about the health benefits of coconut oil. One of the most dramatic changes it can make is in your skin. For protection against harsh chemicals and environmental toxins, it’s important to use a shielding lotion externally, but including coconut oil in your diet may be the internal help you need to make your dry skin moist and supple.
Nearly one third of the world's population depends on coconut to some degree for their food. In the Philippines, for example, coconut has been a dietary staple for hundreds of years. The meat of the coconut is used in many different foods, and the oil is used in salads and cooking. Even though Filipinos live in a climate that exposes them to the sun year-round, their youthful, soft and wrinkle-free skin is attributed to coconuts.
The health benefits of coconut oil are numerous.
• Unlike the polyunsaturated fats used in the North American diet in oils for salad dressing and cooking, coconut oil is an antioxidant and does not cause free radical damage.
• It improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
• It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that help prevent many diseases, including those of the skin.
• It softens the skin, relieves dryness and flaking, and prevents sagging, wrinkles and age spots.
• It helps prevent thyroid dysfunction, which often manifests in dry skin.
• It reduces the symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
It has also been used to treat cardiovascular health, improve energy and metabolism, and is excellent for weight loss.
The combination of dietary coconut oil to provide the nutrients and moisture you need internally and a good shielding lotion to protect against dry skin used by outside irritants is the perfect combination for dry skin care.
About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit www.SkinMDNatural.com.