Dry Skin Care Treatment Needs To Change During Menopause
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While most dry skin is caused by frequent contact with chemicals in soaps, household cleansers and cosmetics, hormonal changes during menopause present an entirely different problem. It is wise to find products that will accommodate the changes your body is going through. Diet and lifestyle choices are very important and changing your cosmetics and skin care products is vital. Although not the only change you should make, one of the most effective is to use a shielding lotion for dry skin care on a daily basis.
During menopause, as the levels of estrogen and other hormones become unbalanced, the skin begins to thin. Oil glands become less productive and the skin loses elasticity. These changes require that you also change your dry skin care routine.
Here are a few helpful hints on changes you can make that will help alleviate the problems.
* Add more high quality oil to your diet. Coconut oil and olive oil are especially good for your skin. Both are great for cooking and as a salad dressing base. Also, eat more fish, especially salmon, but make sure you get it from a source that is not laden with mercury and other chemicals.
* Take special care in the sun. Again, watch out for the chemicals in sunscreens. Check your health food store or online for natural UV ray-blocking products.
* Do whatever you can to get a good night's sleep. Hormonal changes often make this difficult, but not doing so can exacerbate pre-existing dry skin conditions.
* Exercise. A 20-minute walk every day will usually be all you need to keep the circulation up and help tone the muscles. You should also try facial exercises: they do the same for the face as other types of exercise do for the rest of the body. Exercise is a basic for dry skin care associated with aging.
* Use natural cleansers and cosmetics. There are several products in health food stores that don't contain chemicals. In fact, when it comes to cleansers, you can use the same coconut oil you're going to cook with. It's an excellent dry skin care cleanser.
* Get rid of your moisturizers and use a shielding lotion. A good shielding lotion doesn't just make your skin feel good: it locks in the skin's natural moisture and keeps out the chemicals that cause dry skin.
Although most people prefer to look young, there are many benefits to getting older: with any luck, you've also become wiser, more accomplished and more knowledgeable about life and how to live it happily. Don't let your body get you down! Make the changes above and you'll alleviate many of the problems of menopause, including solving your dry skin care dilemma, and be more able to enjoy life.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit http://www.SkinMDNatural.com.