Dry Skin Care for the Nose Rubbed Raw
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No matter what they add to tissues – aloe vera, vitamin E, eucalyptus – they still have not managed to find an ingredient that prevents the raw nose that inevitably results from the constant blowing during winter colds. Using a shielding lotion for dry skin care treatment will help prevent and treat the red, chapped skin phenomenon, but there are also things you can do to reduce the duration of the cold and thereby minimize unsightly skin damage.
· Take lots of Vitamin C. Many health care practitioners recommend taking about 2 grams every hour. In addition to boosting the immune system, Vitamin C reduces mucous considerably. You may stop blowing your nose for hours. As it also increases circulation and fights free radicals, Vitamin C is a must for dry skin care treatment and prevention in any season.
· Rinse with salt water to clear the nasal passages. Dissolve ¼ teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Hold one nostril closed and, with a bulb syringe, squirt the warm salt water into the other nostril two or three times letting it drain in between each squirt. Then squirt the other nostril. This helps clear the passages and also fights against bacteria. Gargling with salt water can also help relieve congestion in both the nose and throat.
· Drink lots of hot liquids. Half a lemon, a teaspoon of raw honey and about ¼ teaspoon of cayenne in hot water is a great mixture for relieving congestion, boosting the immune system, increasing circulation and keeping you hydrated. In fact, this healthy drink is good for dry skin care and prevention overall.
· Take a steam bath. It’s a great cure-all – clears the sinuses and any other congestion, and cleans you right out. You can take a hot, steamy shower, use a facial steamer or lean over the sink with the hot water running and a towel over your head. This is another great dry skin care treatment any time.
· While you’re trying to get things under control, don’t forget to keep applying a little shielding lotion. Colds can be terribly dehydrating and that rough, dry skin is easily infected. A good shielding lotion locks in the natural moisture and protects the damaged skin from being invaded by bacteria.
They are, no doubt, still trying to develop a tissue that does not rub you raw and I’m sure the lines will be long when they finally come up with something. However, until that time, using the above methods to relieve congestion and a shielding lotion for dry skin care should shorten the duration of the cold and minimize the damage.
About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit www.SkinMDNatural.com.