Dry Skin Care for the Stars

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While actors and models may have exciting and rewarding jobs, they are really challenged when it comes to skin care. Constantly under pressure to look good for the camera, they spend their working hours exposed to more harsh, drying chemicals than just about any other profession. To top it all off, being under bright lights further dries the skin while magnifying every flaw. It's the perfect recipe for premature aging, in a profession that favors youth. What is the remedy? While using a good dry skin care treatment such as a shielding lotion is an absolute must, here are some additional suggestions that will also help.

Some of the most damaging products actors and models have to use are makeup removers. Often applied several times a day, these products are full of toxic chemicals that cause dry skin and rashes, and remove the skin's natural protective oils. A good substitute for makeup removers is emu oil. It removes the makeup as well as or better than any of the chemical products and is an excellent source of Vitamin E and other nutrients. Its high concentration of oleic acid also enables the nutrients to penetrate the skin's surface layer. Emu oil is an excellent product for removing makeup and a good overall dry skin care treatment.

Once makeup is removed, the next hurdle is finding a gentle cleanser. Unfortunately, even those cleansing products labeled as suitable for dry skin care contain harsh chemicals. The solution? Your best bet is a honey masque. Natural, raw honey deep cleans without causing dry skin. Rub it on your face and leave on for about 15 to 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water, then splash the face with cold water to close the pores.

The last step is the shielding lotion. Thousands of doctors now recommend shielding lotion for dry skin care. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to lock in moisture and form a protective barrier than helps keep out the chemicals used in makeup.

Although the above simple, natural dry skin care remedies will help actors and models, you don't have to be a movie star to use them - you'll just look like one.

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit http://www.SkinMDNatural.com.