Dry Skin Care is Vital for Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic Conditions

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Diabetes and its precursors are among the most common under-diagnosed conditions in the U.S. Type one diabetes affects one in 800 people, type two affects approximately 16 million, over half of which are undiagnosed, and the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) estimates that 41 million people in the U.S. have impaired glucose tolerance, a pre-diabetic condition. One of the most prevalent symptoms and complications is itchy, dry skin and, while it will not handle the cause, it is vital that those suffering from these conditions use dry skin care treatment that will avoid further damage.

Type one diabetes usually affects teens and those under 30, although it can be found outside those ranges. Those suffering from this condition are dependant on insulin to keep their blood glucose down at a safe level. High blood glucose levels cause nerve damage, poor blood flow and fluid loss. Both the fluid loss and the nerve damage cause dry skin. Good dry skin care for someone with this type of diabetes is especially important as the dryness can easily develop into swollen, cracked skin with blisters and open sores which then get infected.

Type two diabetes is non-insulin dependant, but dry skin is still one of the most common symptoms. In fact, this type of diabetes is often diagnosed by the prevalence of itchy, flaky, dry skin and skin rashes, infections and poor skin healing. Again, this is caused by the high levels of blood glucose. Type-two diabetes is reversible with exercise, dietary changes and weight loss and these, along with effective skin care, can alleviate dry skin problems.

Impaired glucose tolerance, estimated to affect nearly one in seven people, is sometimes non-symptomatic but often is accompanied by a milder form of type two symptoms. Treatment is the same as that advised for type two in order to delay or avoid escalation.

Effective skin care for those with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance involves drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, washing in warm water with very mild natural soaps, and using skin care products with ingredients that do not cause dry skin. A good shielding lotion is the best dry skin care you can find for these conditions: it bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective layer that reduces water loss, protects against chemicals and harsh environmental conditions and does not clog the pores. Shielding lotion is a breakthrough in dry skin care technology that will heal dry skin effectively, and help prevent development into more severe skin conditions.

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit http://www.SkinMDNatural.com.