Dry Skin Conditions Cause Emotional Trauma in School Children
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A recent study published in the British Journal of Dermatology revealed that the quality of life for school children is heavily affected by dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions. Many commonly-used drugs for these problems are not approved for children, and finding safe alternatives can be difficult. Shielding lotion, now recommended by thousands of doctors to treat and prevent uncomfortable, embarrassing skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin, may be the answer to your child’s problem.
The researchers for the study surveyed 379 children ages 5 to 16 to determine the degree to which skin conditions affected their quality of life. They also interviewed parents of children with chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes, kidney disease, and epilepsy and compared the relative affects of these diseases with those associated with skin problems. The study showed that children with skin conditions feel as impaired as those with more serious diseases. For example, children with kidney disease reported the same level of impairment as those with eczema. All children felt their quality of life was reduced by about one third.
The study found that children not only suffer from the itching and pain caused by the skin conditions, but are also embarrassed about them and have to endure teasing and bullying from other children.
Drugs and topical treatments used for dry skin conditions such as eczema contain harsh and harmful chemicals that, while they may sometimes relieve the symptoms, do not actually heal the condition and may make it worse. Additionally, they are not fully tested to ensure safety. Earlier this year, the FDA required black box warnings on eczema drugs Protopic and Elidel. Both drugs were very widely prescribed and had been on the market for five years, despite indications that they caused cancer. A significant number of cancer cases were reported before the FDA finally took action.
If your child has psoriasis, eczema, or the itching dry skin that can develop into more serious conditions, shielding lotion is sometimes a better alternative than drugs. Shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective barrier that keeps the skin’s natural moisture locked in, and prevents contact with and absorption of the harmful chemicals and pollutants that often cause the problem. Many doctors and dermatologists now recommend shielding lotion as treatment for dry skin and other skin conditions, and they frequently find it eliminates the condition altogether. Give it a try – it may save your child from experiencing the burden of painful and embarrassing skin conditions, and prevent having to use drugs with potentially dangerous side effects.
About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for Gloves In A Bottle, Inc. For more information, visit http://www.glovesinabottle.com.