Dry Skin Is Improved By Exfoliating and Healing the Surface Layer

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Some people go for years with dry skin without ever finding a remedy. They either do nothing, just accepting the fact that their skin is dry, or they try product after product without ever finding something that resolves the situation: when the product comes off, the skin is still dry. As the skin is designed to protect the rest of the body and, without that protection, we are more vulnerable to dehydration, disease, damage from chemicals and pollution, and other skin problems such as eczema, rashes, and so on, it's important to fix it. There are two basic changes you can make that will move things in the right direction - first, start exfoliating, and second, use a dry skin treatment that repairs the surface layer rather than just coating it.

Why is exfoliating important? The surface layer of normal, healthy skin consists in part of dead skin cells. However, too many dead skin cells cause a problem: as they tend to be cracked, moisture escapes through the skin and, in turn, the skin dries out further. This causes more cracking which then causes more moisture loss and the skin becomes more susceptible to penetration of chemicals, pollutants and bacteria. It's a never-ending cycle. When you exfoliate you remove the excess dry skin cells and replace them with healthy cells that are more capable of producing water and thereby restoring natural moisture.

In order to exfoliate without creating further damage, it's important to exfoliate only when needed and to use products that are gentle. Natural products are best. You can even make your own from ingredients found in your kitchen. Check the Internet for masque and exfoliant recipes. Once a week will suffice but you can monitor the frequency by feeling your skin - run your fingers gently along your face, if you feel little patches that are slightly rough, it's time to exfoliate.

The next step is to heal the surface layer. This is best done with a shielding lotion. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective barrier that locks in the natural moisture and keeps chemicals and other outside irritants out. This protection then allows the skin to actually heal, unlike the usual moisturizers that simply make the skin feel smooth when they coat it.

Often, the combination of exfoliating and using a shielding lotion will be all the dry skin treatment you need. Give it a try!

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for Gloves In A Bottle, Inc. For more information, visit http://www.glovesinabottle.com.