Dry Skin May be a Symptom of More Serious Conditions
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While dry skin is often just that, it is also a symptom of many other physical problems. Shielding lotion is now recommended by thousands of doctors to treat and prevent dry skin, but if you also have other symptoms, then it is wise to see a medical doctor as well.
What are some of the conditions and symptoms you should look out for? Many that bear investigation can only be found by testing, but there are some conditions that have symptoms you can recognize quite easily:
• Acromegaly. A hormone disorder causing excessive growth. Symptoms other than dry skin include headaches, blurred vision, and enlarged hands or feet.
• Autoimmune thyroid diseases. There are different types of thyroid diseases, and some attack the immune system. Other symptoms include insomnia, irritability, nervousness and unexplained weight loss.
• Diabetes. Failure or reduction of the body’s ability to handle sugar. Symptoms to look out for are hypertension, overweight or obesity and high cholesterol.
• Myxedema. A skin and tissue disorder caused by hypothyroidism. Watch for thickened or coarse skin, and changes in facial appearance such as thickening nose or swelling lips.
• Sjogren’s Syndrome. An autoimmune disease that damages the eye tear ducts and other glands. Dry skin is often accompanied by swollen salivary glands, swollen cheeks or jaw.
Although some of these diseases are rare, they are often misdiagnosed when you go to the doctor. The doctor treats the dry skin, but does not look for further causes.
So, by all means, treat your dry skin – doctors recommend a shielding lotion rather than moisturizers because it locks in the skin’s natural moisture without clogging pores, and does not contain harsh and irritating chemicals that exacerbate the dryness. However, if your symptoms go beyond dry skin, make sure you tell your doctor.
About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit http://www.SkinMDNatural.com.