Dry Skin Study Favors Shielding Lotion as Anti-Aging Therapy
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A new study on the shielding lotion, Skin MD Natural, had surprising results when this dry skin treatment increased in its ability over time to retain moisture in the skin, when all other products tested actually decreased in functionality, according to Germaine Muniz at Cantor Research Laboratories. The study compared the shielding lotion against untreated skin and petroleum jelly (petrolatum), the industry standard for forming a protective barrier and retaining moisture.
The lab, located in Valley Cottage, N.Y., completed its findings from the Trans-Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) study on the shielding lotion, showing over the course of one hour with washing, that Skin MD Natural continued to increase its moisturizing abilities, whereas petrolatum's features diminished. Skin MD Natural helps prevent the loss of vital natural moisture that gives it the elasticity and youthfulness, making it a premier anti-aging treatment.
"Scientifically the best thing out there is petroleum jelly, but it's cosmetically inelegant," says Dr. Peter Helton, dermatologist and founder of the successful Helton Skin & Laser Institute located in Newport Beach, Calif.
"The next best things are cocoa butter, shea butter, and mineral oil, but the problem with those is that they tend to decrease in their ability to work over time, whereas Skin MD Natural increases over time, and it does so in a non-greasy and elegant way. This has opened up a whole new branch of creams called shielding lotions that can be used for dry skin conditions in dermatology."
One former employee of Estee Lauder® and Clinique Cosmetics ®, who knows a good moisturizing product, says it best: "I got rid of all of my moisturizers. I mean, really, why bother," says Joan LeBlanc, 47, of Sarasota, Fla. "They say 40 is the new 30. This is going to help me retain my youth for the rest of my life. I can't imagine being without this stuff. I have found a product that is going to help my body retain its youthfulness. I'm going to age so slowly as a result of Skin MD Natural. That's just the bottom line."
"This study reconfirms that the shielding properties of Skin MD Natural are better across the board than the products currently on the market," says Enrique Alabata, director of research and development for a world-class cosmetics formulations laboratory with clients including many of the world's leading cosmetics companies. "The feel of Skin MD Natural is very light on the skin compared to products performing similarly, like petrolatum, cocoa or Shea butter, or mineral oil. It really does do what it says it does."
Backed by solid research and dermatology use, this new category of moisturizer -- shielding lotion is carving a niche as a leading dry skin treatment that really works.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit www.SkinMDNatural.com.