Eczema Treatment Protects Gardeners from Dry Skin and Flares
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Spring is just around the corner - warm, sunny weather, the wonderful scent of the earth coming alive and flowers blooming. Unfortunately, it also heralds the rough, dry hands that inevitably result from working in the garden and exposing our hands to all that lovely dirt and the chemicals and insecticides that keep our gardens weed and pest free. Those with skin problems will be doubly affected. However, many gardeners have now discovered shielding lotion - a breakthrough in dry skin and eczema treatment that makes washing up easier and inhibits absorption of chemicals so you can prevent dry skin and eczema flares.
Shielding lotion, now recommended by hundreds of dermatologists for eczema treatment and prevention, forms a barrier that not only protects the skin from direct contact with harmful chemicals, it also prevents absorption through the skin to the rest of the body. As eighty percent of eczema is caused by harsh and toxic chemicals, this is the most effective eczema treatment you can find. Here's what the gardeners have to say:
"I personally started using Gloves In A Bottle about 4-5 years ago. It was after our company was having problems with the employees breaking out with a rash on their hands and arms. It seems the rubber bands we were using (made in Sri Lanka) were the culprit. After using several skin protectors we chanced upon Gloves In A Bottle and bingo no more rashes. It really protected the contact of the rubber from their skin.
"After years of gardening my hands felt like leather and were with our mucky black soil. I started using Gloves In A Bottle after the company's success and after about a week I noticed my hands were looking very different. They were looking so good, I started having manicures for the first time in my life. I actually started wearing polish and was not ashamed of my hands."
If you want to spend more time in the garden and less time looking for a dry skin and eczema treatment, give shielding lotion a try. Your hands may look as good as your flowers.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for Gloves In A Bottle, Inc. For more information, visit