Goji Berries are the Latest in Natural Skin Care

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Products that contain goji berries are among the latest to liberally stock health food store shelves – everything from goji berry juice drinks and extracts, to skin care lotions, remedies and cosmetics. What are goji berries, and how will they benefit those interested in non-toxic natural skin care.
Cultivated primarily in China, Tibet and Mongolia, goji berries are the fruit of the goji plant. They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, usually in tandem with lycium bark, and enhance the immune and circulatory systems, improve the eyesight, protect the liver and kidneys, and give you a beautiful complexion. Not only are goji berries rich in several vitamins and minerals, they’ve been rated number one on the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) scale, which measures the antioxidant levels in food. Goji berries contain over 25,000 units per 100 milligrams, nearly five times that of the next highest fruit on the list – prunes – and 15 times greater than the highest rated vegetables.
As antioxidants are one of the primary combatants of aging, it isn’t any wonder that many consider goji berries to be the most powerful anti-ageing food available. It is also no surprise that they have now gained popularity in topical applications and are considered very beneficial ingredients in natural skin care products.
Although topical use of goji berries is fairly new, there is already a wide range of skin creams and lotions, as well as a complete range of cosmetics. Some form of goji berry is almost always found in the new natural skin care ‘mineral’ cosmetic products.
To ensure the products you get have sustained their high nutrient content, look for those that say the berries were cold-pressed without any solvents and air-dried without preservatives. Heat processing and added chemicals will greatly reduce the benefits.
Beautiful skin depends on eating healthy natural foods, and using healthy, natural skin care products. Goji berries fit the bill on all fronts and are one of the best and most versatile additions to your basic natural skin care routine.

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit www.skincarenet.org.