Guide to using microdermabrasion creams

By:andre depayens

Home microdermabrasion creams are increasingly being seen as an alternative to professional microdermabrasion that can treat a variety of skin conditions in addition to generally improving skin complexion and radiance.

Microdermabrasion creams work according to the same principles as professional treatment. They rely on microdermabrasion crystals to abrade against the surface of the skin causing exfoliation of dead skin cells. This leaves the skin looking smoother and brighter. Creams also speed up the skin’s cellular renewal rate which is particularly important when people reach over 40 when skin renewal slows down.

Many people use microdermabrasion creams, not because they want to get rid of acne or wrinkles, but as an effective tool as part of a complete skin care regimen. Microdermabrasion exfoliates the top layer of skin which ordinarily acts as a barrier for other skin care products. By performing microdermabrasion before applying moisturisers, the active ingredients in such creams are more easily able to penetrate to the dermis layer of skin where they can take effect.

Most microdermabrasion creams use aluminium oxide because it is cheap, hard, and effective at abrading against the skin. It is also non toxic which means there’s no chance of allergic chemical reactions with the skin. A few creams use magnesium oxide crystals although in practical terms this makes little difference for the consumer.

Although using a microdermabrasion cream is unlikely to induce allergic reactions, it is possible that people with sensitive skin will experience a temporary soreness and redness after using the cream. This is why it’s particularly important not to overuse microdermabrasion creams.

A good cream should contain skin soothing ingredients to counteract the abrasive effects of microdermabrasion. These ingredients, which are often flower extracts, are responsible for cooling and soothing the skin in order to prevent itching and inflammation. In addition, the including of Vitamin E is also good for nourishing and moisturising the skin after treatment.

About the author: microdermabrasion treatment systems. For more detailed information check out the page on microdermabrasion creams.