Home Remedies for Boils-Bring the Boil to a Boil

By:Dr John Anne

A Boil can be defined in two manners, external and internal. Externally, the boil presents itself as a swelling in the skin, which protrudes upon the surface layer. Surrounding such protruded swelling is a fairly significant reddened area. Internally, the consistency that leads to such expansion, in the form of swelling, is a combination of a cluster-like concentration of localized deceased skin cells and pus, which leads to excessive inflammation. Boils most commonly occur on the buttock, ears, face, neck, nose, shoulders, thighs and underarms, mostly affecting teenagers and young adults, due to puberty and related hormonal changes within the body's biological systems. However, in some instances, boils can develop in mature adults. In relevance to the individual presenting a boil, tenderness and pain is experienced. Therefore, of those individuals suffering from this particular skin disease clinically termed as a boil, it is comprehendible that home remedies for boil are sought.

Symptoms associated with a boil, are reddened lumps within the layers of the skin that are tender and warm to the touch, and emanate a level of pain. As the boil begins to develop within the skin, prior to outer layer exposure by its eventual protrusion, in the form of a lump, itching will generally occur. Aggressive action, in the form of applied home remedies for boil, at these initial stages can be most beneficial. At the point upon when the skin covered the boil has been stretched to its extremes, due to such bountiful accumulations of bacteria infused pus and deceased skin cells, a yellow or white pointed-like blister will form at the lump's center. It is at this stage of the boil's cycle of development when it is preparing to discharge, by process of draining, pus. During the boil's discharge, an unpleasant smell will be realized, due to the presence of bacteria within such drained fluid and pus. For relief and alleviation from such intensity is the rationale supporting home remedies for boil.

The origin of a boil stems from hair follicles of the skin becoming infected by a strain of bacterium that dwells, in a live form, on the surface of the skin, clinically referred to as staphylococcus aureus or staphylococcus epidermidis. Susceptible individuals are those enduring diabetes, puberty, hormonal changes, immune system disorders, malnutrition, or vitamin A or E deficiencies. Scratching of the skin, by any individual, of a particular area of skin, can lead to the possible development of a boil. Another source, as to the propagation of boils, is by inadequate cleansing of areas of the body, in particular, the face, neck, back, shoulders and ears. Of these areas, where skin clefts together, such as in the cheeks meeting the nose, or where the ears attach at the head, are areas especially susceptible to the development of boils, as dirt tends to accumulate in these areas, which is evident upon the presence of such substance upon drainage content. For these circumstances, home remedies for boil are essential.

Upon the afflicted individual's engaging in home remedies for boil, it is relevant to realize that the course cycle of the average boil runs within a duration from four to ten days.

"Bringing the boil to a head," is a colloquial term, in reference among the home remedies for boil. This process involves a washcloth and warm water being combined to form a compress. To alleviate the pain and accelerate the drainage of the pus associated with the boil, repetitively apply the compress to the boil. Upon the boil having been drained, cleanse the area by washing it thoroughly with antibacterial type soap, dry, and then bandage the area, to prevent re-infection, for a complete recovery.

Another option among home remedies for boil incorporates a treatment of garlic and onion. Press or crush out juice from both vegetables, and combine equal quantities of both juices to create a solution that can be applied to the boil. Simultaneously, to intensify the properties of garlic, supplement these particular home remedies for boil, and consume two to three pods of garlic during each ingested meal for enhanced results.

A poultice treatment within home remedies for boil can be derived through the implementation of parsley. These home remedies for boil consist of the parsley being immersed in boiling water until it reaches a soft and juicy consistency. While the vegetable is hot, wrap it in either muslin or linen cloth that is clean, and, as combined home remedies for boil, apply, as the form of a poultice, to the affected boil.

About the author:
Dr John Anne is an ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Boil at Home Remedies