Home made beauty tips

By:Javier Marti Marti

(Warning:: Never use any of the above products if they contain an ingredient you may be allergic to)

There are plenty of ingredients that you have at home and you can use to create your own beauty products.

Here is a collection of tips and tricks to make you naturally beautiful:

- Make a homemade beauty facial scrub from grapes. Mash a handful of grapes. Strain them to separate the pulp from the juice. Remove the skins and mash the pulp and juice with 1 tablespoon of almond flour.

- Make a homemade hair rinse. Use Aloe vera gel to thicken your hair. Massage it into your scalp then leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing.

- Make a homemade beauty facial mask with sugar and oil. Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar with a few drops of olive oil for a sweet facial exfoliant. This can be mixed in larger quantities for full body exfoliation.

- Make a homemade beauty facial mask with honey and bananas. Make sure the bananas are not overripe. Mash 2 teaspoons of ashed banana, 2 teaspoons of rolled oats, 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon honey. After 10 minutes, massage it into your face. Allow it to sit for 5 more minutes and then rinse with warm water.

How do scrubs work? The scrub, when on, is a king of peel. The dead skin cells adhere to the slightly dried paste and are removed by the friction created when you gently massage it over your face. The result is a healthier looking and refreshed skin.

If your skin is dry and easily irritated, don’t wash more than once a day. You may risk stripping the skin of its natural oils. Dr. Franks recommends looking for non-irritating cleansing washes that are soap-free, moisturizers that are light, oil-free, and water-based to help maintain the skin’s natural barrier.

For a skin softening bath, add 1/4 cup honey to the water, and 1 teaspoon of lemon.

And more:

- Make a homemade beauty facial mask with apples or pears. Add the piece of fruit to one tablespoon of honey.

- Make a homemade moisturizing exfoliant. (do not use in your face) In an air-tight jar, mix together the sugar, the salts and the coffee granules (the concentration of the ingredientes is not important at this point, just experiment with different quantities) Add in the oil. Rub all over your skin in the shower, and then rinse off thoroughly. The mixture will naturally become quite oily. Next, pat the skin dry with a towel.Your skin will be soft and smooth.

- Make a homemade moisturizing whitening bath for your nails. Get a bowl with plenty of lemon juice as to cover your nais. Clean your nails, removing any polish you may have on. Dip your nails in the bowl, and keep them there for two minutes. Rinse your nails and apply hand lotion for best results.

Discover up to 60 more tips on the website http://artwater.com/homemadebeautytips.htm

About the author:
Javier Marti is an enterpreneur, writer and artist. MD of artwater.com and founder of Trendirama.com. He regularly follows current affairs in his blog niquel757.blogspot.com