How To Take Care Of Skin Naturally?

By:Awinita Smith

Healthy and beautiful skin is a very essential part of our life. The face is most exposed part of the body, vulnerable to the harsh rays of the sun. Also there are other harmful substances in the air like dust particles, harmful chemical substances, vapors of fuel omitted by vehicles which are harmful for our skin. The skin is a very sensitive organ, and it requires the utmost care when maintaining its hygiene.

To come out from this problem many beauty products are now available in the market. But there are many natural beauty products which really helps you.

Eating vegetables and drinking juices is good for health and it also useful to remove our acne problem. Vegetable juices are quickly absorbed into our bloodstream and gives a quick relief from various body conditions such as acne, skin disorders etc.

Some of natural beauty tips are given below:

Apple juice makes an excellent remedy for fine wrinkles, cracked skin, itching and inflammation and dandruff. It can also be used as final rinse after shampooing your hair.

Lime Juice is a very important natural aid for beautiful skin. It will help you to look beautiful and younger. It gives shine to your face and also used to cure pimples.

Strawberry can be used for conditioning and skin toning treatment.

Pineapple is a good skin softener which cleanses rough skin spots like knees, elbow and heels.

Orange Juice is effective remedy for pimples and acne.

Papaya orange and green papayas are used to remove whiteheads, boils and spots.

Mango or Guava boiled leaves can be used as antiseptic.

Fresh basil or mint juice can be applied everyday on pimples.

In many skin care products turmeric is used because it is an excellent antiseptic. It leaves your skin soft, smooth and glowing. Fresh turmeric fingers can be ground with a little milk and applied on the face and the body.

Take Juice of apple, cucumber, pear and mix with flour, add a teaspoon of water and stir thoroughly. Apply after cleansing, avoiding eye and mouth areas. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off thoroughly. It will help you.

About the author:
This article has been published by Awinita Smith whose specialization are in Health related topics and currently writing on Skin Treatment topics for In past, she has written more articles on natural health care which can be seen in the same website. For more details about the Skin related issues or Natural Skin Care, please visit website. If any mistake or error is found in this published article, please get back to us at this address; so that we can rectify it promptly.