How To Treat Dry Skin
- By:louise forrest
A very high proportion of the world population deals with dry skin on a daily basis. The itchy, flaky patches are not only irritating, but they are the forerunners to a myriad of lines and wrinkles in later life that we would all much rather avoid. What causes dry skin?
This is actually a more complicated question that it might seem, but in simple terms, there are many factors that influence dry skin. Pollution, extreme temperatures, a dry atmosphere, harsh soaps and lack of moisturiser are the main causes of dry skin in most people, so to alleviate the disorder it is necessary to confront these leading causes and do what you can to fix them.
There is very little you can do about the pollution in the air (short of forming a lobby group and picketing) but you do need to be sure to wash the grime off your skin as soon as you can.
If you live in a city, it may be necessary to wash your unprotected skin (face and hands) several times a day to get rid of the clinging irritants. These compounds have a tendency to block pores, stop skin respiration and kill skin cells, causing the dry patches you know so well.
Keeping exfoliated and clean is the first step towards a supple, smooth face.
Another important factor in the dry skin saga is soap. What kind of soap do you use? Is it scented, antibacterial, PH neutral? Most people use a harsher soap on their skin than they should be. By using a harsh soap, you are stripping away the natural oils on your skin and helping to cause dry patches.
Your skin needs its natural protective layer if it has any hope of staying moisturised and healthy, so go out and try to find yourself a softer soap, one that is PH balanced and will clean away bacteria without taking all the good oils with it! The last thing you want is for your soap to work against you.
After exfoliation and cleansing, you will need to make use of a high quality, thick, creamy moisturiser to lock in the existing moisture of your skin and add to the top layer. Moisturisers work by hydrating your outer skin layers with water, so they become more expanded and smooth.
Without water, your skin cells die off and flake away, so remember that moisturiser is essential to beating that dry skin! There are an awful lot of moisturisers to choose from, so choose carefully. As a generally rule, you will want to use a rich and creamy lotion that leaves your skin feeling supple without a residue of water or oil left behind. A good quality lotion will soak into skin quickly and leave only a smooth patch of skin behind it.
If you keep these factors in mind while dealing with your dry skin, you are sure to beat the odds and keep your skin looking youth and healthy. Just remember, skin care is about keeping your skin cells alive and in top working order. The key to keeping cells alive is simple: water.
While water retention is possible, a cell can be hydrated and brought back to life with good hygiene, careful planning and a high quality moisturizer. If you want to prolong the youthful glow of your skin, get rid of those pesky dry patches and get on with your life while feeling attractive, then remember these simple tips and apply them daily. Get rid of dry skin for good! Cleanse, use PH balanced soap and moisturise.About the author:
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