How to Apply Concealers

By:Juliet Cohen

Concealers come in shades to match every skin tone. These diminish the presence op pimples, marks and dark circles under the eyes. Concealers may be liquid, cream or solid (stick). Moisturize your face first for easier application. To prevent concealer from setting into fine lines, wipe away excess. Blot with a tissue for matte finish.

Whether you are fair or dark, your concealer should also have yellow tones. Don't use a concealer that's white or more than half a shade lighter than your skin tone. Try for an exact match. Apply before foundation. Set the concealer with powder.


Sometimes after the use of concealer, foundation may be avoided.


Concealers are applied to cover dark circles around the eyes, thereby grweatly enhancing the appearance of the face.They are matched to the skin tone and are applied before using the harmony foundation. When any product is applied around the eyes, special care must be taken so that the skin is not stretched.

Instead of applying the cream from the inside corner of the eye to the outside it should be dabbed on the skin and then gently blended with the finger tips moving from the outside corner to the inside corner. This procedure will not pull the skin. After the product has dried, more can be applied to build up the desired opacity. To remove, use a cosmetic cleanser, instead of vigorously rubbing the skin with soap and water.

1. Apply small dots of concealer at a time.

2. Touch the concealer directly onto the blemish and blend well at the edges. Don't apply more than two coats of concealer at a time, or it will look obvious that you're trying to hide a blazing zit. Foundation should further hide the blemish

Concealers Applying Tips

1. In applying concealers, using the right makeup techniques is important. Concealers are of a denser composition than regular foundations and are generally available in sticks, tubes, pots, and creams. Concealers can be used to cover blemishes, dark spots, ruddy areas, marks, veins, freckles or under eye circles.

2. Your concealer should be one shade lighter than your foundation (and only in extreme cases should you use a concealer two shades lighter).

3. Using a concealer that is too light or too pink will give the appearance of `owl eyes'. In other words, it will emphasize the dark area instead of concealing it.

4. Apply concealer with a small fine tipped brush for an accurate application. As with any other application, blending is the key.

5. Always set your concealer with a sheer, translucent powder to prevent creasing.


Be sure to cover the inside of the nose bridge and the outer corner of your eye where we tend to get dark areas.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles on makeup advice and beauty tips. Visit and for free makeup beauty skincare tips and tricks.