How to Beat Those Winter Skin Blues!
- By:louise forrest
There is no doubt that when winter comes around, it can really do damage to our skin. The low humidity can dry out the skin, and eczema often becomes a problem. However, there are things which you can do to beat those winter skin blues.
How to Treat Winter Skin!
There are various things you can do in order to keep your skin happy and healthy all throughout winter. These include:
Purchasing a Humidifier
Who does not have their heating on and their windows closed in winter? The last thing we want is to be sat shivering in our own homes! However, the trapped heat can be really damaging to our skin and it can often cause our skin to dry out and if you have Eczema it can make it even worse and the itching may become unbearable. A humidifier keeps the moisture in the air and can stop your skin from drying out.
You do not even have to pay a fortune for a good humidifier, they are usually inexpensive and they can be purchased from any local drug store. However, you should buy more than one to keep the whole house humidified, but you will be thankful for it overall!
Switch to an Oil Based Moisturizer
If you do not already, you should now start to use an oil based moisturizer. Generally, the more oil the moisturizer contains, the more effective it will be in defeating dry skin. The best moisturizers to go for are the ones that actually come in oil form. These usually are made up of 80% oil and 20% water and they are absolutely ideal for winter skin! The water and oil combination helps to create a protective layer which generally makes it more moisturizing than creams and lotions.
Take Precautions Before You Go Outside
Before venturing out into the winter weather, it is always better to protect yourself and your skin first. Believe it or not, you still have to protect the face from the sun in winter and so a moisturizing sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15 should be applied.
Wearing gloves is also an essential tip as the hands often get dry and damaged from the severe cold. Sometimes the gloves can be made of a material which will irritate the skin so make sure the gloves that you choose are really comfy. Many people wear a cotton mitten underneath a woolen mitten just to be extra warm, and this does really help to keep the hands protected.
Make Sure That You Dress in Layers
However cold it is outside, it is important that we dress in layers so that we do not overheat and sweat excessively. With layers you can easily take something off if you become too warm. Sweating causes itchiness so it is definitely worth avoiding! Loose fitting cotton clothing is always better as it allows the skin to breathe, whilst at the same time keeping it warm.
Condition The Hair More Frequently
The hair also becomes dry in winter and so it too needs added moisture. A good conditioner should sort this problem out and a conditioner which you can simply spray into your hair and leave it in may be worth thinking about as it will lock in the moisture for longer.
Use a Moisturizing Shampoo
As well as a conditioner, a good moisturizing shampoo is also needed to make sure that the scalp is cleaned properly. Itchiness of the scalp can be a real problem and a good moisturizing shampoo can really help.
Overall, to best look after your body in winter you need to make sure you are getting more moisture into the body than normal. Prevention is always the best cure so be fully prepared and you should sail through winter with no major problems!About the author:
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