How to Keep Your Children Safe While Out in the Sun
- By:louise forrest
Whilst keeping the skin protected from the skin is absolutely essential for all ages, it is particularly essential for parents to take proper care of their children whilst they are out in the sun. This does not always just include sunscreen, there are other ways you can protect them from the sun also. So just what are the best ways to protect your children from the sun?
Keeping Your Children Well Protected
There are various things you can do to keep your children protected from the sun and sunscreen is one of the most obvious ways to do it. It is thought that you should protect them with a high sun protection factor, just the same as you would to look after fair skin. Therefore a sun protection factor of over fifteen is advised.
As to when to apply the sunscreen, it is always best to apply it between fifteen and thirty minutes before the child goes outside. This gives the sunscreen plenty of time to absorb into the skin and form a protective layer on the skin. If you are unsure as to where you have already applied the sunscreen, it is possible to buy ones which are colored, so that you can be absolutely certain as to where you have applied the lotion.
Babies are particularly in danger of burning extremely easily and so they should never be left in the sun, even if they do have sunscreen on. Always leave push chairs in the shade when you do take the baby out, and make sure that the baby is wearing protective clothing.
Some main ways to help to keep children and babies safe in the sun include:
Keeping Them in The Shade As Much As Possible
As mentioned, babies need to be kept in the shade as much as possible. Children also need to be kept in the shade as much as possible, especially during high peak times where the sun is stronger. This includes the afternoon and late morning. Always remember that the sun constantly moves so somewhere which has a shade at 10:00am may not have shade later on at around 2:00pm. So try and choose a spot which will always provide some shade.
Dress Your Children in Protective Clothing
Knowing what to dress your children in can also keep them protected during the summer months. Hats for example, help to protect the head and scalp from burning as the scalp is the first thing that the sun touches. Also, a hat helps to protect a child from heat stroke so it is definitely a good piece of protective clothing to have in! Try and keep the clothing as baggy as possible and always change their clothing after they have been swimming or playing in the water.
Always Reapply Sunscreen After Your Child Has Been Playing in Water
Even if a sunscreen advertises the fact that it is water proof, it is still best to reapply the sunscreen after your child has been in the water. This is because even some waterproof sunscreens can wash off and that leaves the child completely unprotected. Even if the sunscreen does not complete wash off, the water still lessens the effectiveness of the lotion and so reapplying is essential.
Overall it really is important to monitor your child’s exposure in the sun. Always try and find an area where they can play safely in the shade, and make sure that you protect them more between 10:00am till 3:00pm when the suns rays are at their strongest. Wearing sunscreen is essential and leaving babies out in the sun is definitely not advised! Make sure that the sun protection factor you do use is quite high in order to limit the child’s chances of burning. If you follow the above tips you and your child should have a trouble free, safe summer!About the author:
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