Is New Eczema Treatment Drug Better Than Others?

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Eczemol, a new prescription drug taken orally for moderate to severe eczema and atopic dermatitis, is a definite improvement over the usual steroids. However, it does have its drawbacks and, as with any drug, it's wise to take measures to address the problem without it. To that end, hundreds of dermatologists now recommend shielding lotion for eczema treatment - many have found it to reduce the need for drugs and, in some cases, have been able to eliminate them altogether - but if your doctor still finds it necessary for you to take drugs to help your condition, Eczemol may be safer and more convenient than others. Here are the details on Eczemol, who can safely use it and its contraindications.

Eczemol is a steroid-free homeopathic medicine, only available by prescription. The active ingredients are potassium bromide, nickel sulphate and sulphur - each of which is commonly used in homeopathic medicine as eczema treatment. Excessive amounts of these substances can cause a variety of side effects.

* Potassium bromide is a sedative, usually used in veterinary medicine, and can cause lethargy, loss of concentration and memory, confusion and bromism, which has a host of symptoms you definitely don't want to mess with.

* Nickel is an enzyme present in the body and useful in some capacities but is heavily regulated as a toxic substance. Various nickel compounds are believed to be carcinogenic and nickel
sensitivity is among the most common causes of atopic dermatitis.

* Sulphur is essential in the body and is found in every cell including proteins, amino acids and enzymes. It is used in homeopathic medicine as eczema treatment and to treat skin rashes that are worsened by exposure to heat and water. However, allergy to sulphur is also fairly common.

While all of the above may not sound safe, homeopathic medicine is based on the idea that extremely dilute solutions of something that would normally create symptoms in the healthy will cure those who are ill with the same symptoms. Although homeopathy is not common in the U.S., it is an effective and very popular medical model in other countries, many of which are far more adept at wellness and prevention of acute and severe illness than medicine in the U.S.

The inactive ingredients are lactose - if you have a reaction to milk, this is not for you - fumaric acid which, although very commonly used in food additives to increase tartness and generally considered non-toxic, can produce side effects such kidney or gastrointestinal disorders and increased white blood cell count. Another ingredient, magnesium stearate, is also considered non-toxic and used most commonly as a filler in vitamins and medical pills or capsules.

You don't want to take this medicine is you have kidney problems or sensitivity to any of the ingredients. It should also not be used by anyone taking sedatives, tranquillizers, sleeping pills or any of the myriad of drugs that fall into those categories.

If you have to take an eczema treatment drug, this is a better choice than the usual offerings, but don't forget to also try the shielding lotion. Eighty percent of eczema is caused by non-allergic contact with harsh, toxic chemicals that damage the protective surface layer of the skin. This damage causes moisture loss and leaves the skin susceptible to further damage from and absorption of the chemicals. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to preserve the natural protective oils, prevent moisture loss and keep those harmful chemicals out. You may find it to be all the eczema treatment you need.

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for Gloves In A Bottle, Inc. For more information, visit