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Men Skin Care

By:Juliet Cohen

Proper care of skin for a man is a continuing issue which is often ignored. Men are aware about appreance of their skin and health because of men hasn’t time to devote for their skin in their so busy schedule life. Some factors which may be preventing for doing so. Skin prevents our body from germs, sickness, disease, climates, effects of sun and other environmental factors. Men do not take care of their skin in proper way. Skin care is important for a man in a proper way for the present and in future to get a better look. Moisturizing and cleansing will keep your skin looking healthy. The schedule for skin care for a man should twice a day, just as many women’s do. So a man needs to protect their skin effectively.

Generally, male skin is with larger pores, a richer blood supply, oilier and requires a predisposition to "sweat.". In male skin, the dermis is richer and thicker in collagen, and the epidermis of male skin is oilier. So the male skin is more resistant as compared to women skin in case of sun effect and any other effect from environment. To the age of 40 to 50 the dermis sheet of a male skin became thin, and the level of collagen reduced dramatically yet naturally, and the result appear in form of deep wrinkles. Just like women, men also can prevent the age signs by using the proper skin care equipments.

Good skin is essential to make good first impression, for that if you wish to enhance beauty of your skin, you should follow the below tips:-

Knowing Type of your skin

For proper looking up your skin, you must know that what your skin type is? There are usually four types of male skin. They are normal skin, dry skin, combination skin and oily skin. You should choose your skin care product according to your skin type.

Keep cleanness of your face

It is an evident skin care advise, yet it is the tip about that most of the men forget. If you skin is clean then it looks healthy and it provides you a base for good skin care.

Take Care When Shaving

It is normal to slip up at time of shaving. However, rashes and cuts don’t look good; therefore you should use the products that will give you a smooth.

Tone Your Skin

Like cleansing toner also help you in keeping your skin healthy and firm. Another Benefit of toning is that it may help you in reducing pore size and it may also stop to growing hairs. So you should include it in you skin care routine.


Moisturizing is most important for your skin care treatment. It makes your skin smooth, shiny and healthy.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for skin care tips and skin care treatment. For more information visit our skin care section.