Moisturizers and You (Part 2)

By:louise forrest

The search for the great moisturizer never ends. Those with dry skin are particularly on the lookout for the right moisturizer in the hopes that it will deliver improvement and thus relief of flaky, dull, itchy, and tight feeling skin.

You will find a lot of moisturizer options on the table, or rather, store shelves. There are certain elements you will want your moisturizer to have, especially since you have dry skin that demands these elements. The skin of one person may be drier than the skin of another person, so depending upon how much or how little moisture your skin already has, you may want more of certain ingredients or abilities

Skin Structure Imitators. Some experts out there also refer to these ingredients as water binding agents. Humectants are perfect examples of water binding agents. You need water to remain in your skin, or if the substances between skin cells are drying out, then ingredients providing this benefit can help give back the water that has been lost.

Having these ingredients imitate the structure of your skin can help keep cells and the substances between cells moisturized to stay healthier longer, especially since the water will also be unable to escape, or escape less easily. Your skin can operate as it should because it is not as moisture starved as well as improve your skin surface, changing it from irregular, tight, and flaky to even, elastic, and smooth.

Anti Irritants. Many things can cause irritation. You may not even be aware that something is irritating your skin. All you know is that your skin is dry. But remember; knowing is half the battle. So what might be irritating your skin? Any number of everyday items and environmental aspects can irritate your skin.

Anything from your cosmetics to harsh wind and sun can get your skin in an uproar, or at least a mild one. An anti irritant can help block out irritants as well as allow your skin some down time, giving it a period in which it can heal. If you do not give your skin the chance to repair itself, the problems will only become worse and you will have a longer road to healthy skin.

There are many anti irritants out there you can use to help combat skin irritation. Try looking into natural remedies, such as willow bark and aloe.

Antioxidants. Another form of damage that can be done to your skin is free radical damage. These destructive molecules aid in the breakdown of skin and it is up to you to stop them as much as possible. This is where a good antioxidant can come in. Antioxidants will help repair and prevent this damage from happening by snatching up free radicals, giving your skin a fighting chance.

The ironic catch is that you need to limit your antioxidant moisturizer to air and light or it will begin to break down. However, you can easily avoid this problem by buying lotion that is kept in containers that are not made of glass, clear plastic, or any other material light can pass through.

Cell Communicators. Ingredients that help your skin to behave as it should are slightly similar to the skin structure imitators, except these actively work with live skin cells. Medical journals call these cell signaling ingredients and work has been done that theorizes these substances impart normal behavior upon cells.

Damaged skin cells that reproduce will make abnormal cells, but these ingredients can help communicate messages to these skin cells that let them know how they should be acting. It sounds strange, almost like something you might find in a science fiction novel, but it is very real. Modern medicine is advancing all the time and this is still new technology. There is much to be realized from cell communicating ingredients and the health of skin.

When choosing moisturizers you may also be faced with the conundrum of daytime versus nighttime moisturizers. Do you really need a separate moisturizer for different times of the day? The answer to this is no.

There is no moisturizer that is going to have different and miraculous results depending upon when you wear it. Yes, daytime and nighttime moisturizers will probably have separate ingredients (such as a sunscreen), but as long as they provide your skin with the same benefits as described above, there is no need to split your money or your time when it comes to these moisturizers.

This information should shed some light on the moisturizer labyrinth you may be experiencing. By taking your time, doing your research, and choosing wisely, you should be able to find the one great moisturizer just for you.

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