Natural Skin Care Routines for the Busy Holiday Season

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The holiday season is just around the corner. Most of us look forward to it all year, but it also requires a lot more work than we’re used to. On top of our daily work schedule and regular chores, we’ve got more entertaining, extra cooking and cleaning and, and several evenings of shopping if you’ve got a lot of people for which to buy gifts. Some of us enjoy all the activity, but it can be hard on the body.

The danger is that can neglect our normal skin care routine, just when we most need the spa or a facial, we just don’t have time for it. To make matters worse, the cold air outside and dry air inside makes our skin especially vulnerable. Using a good natural skin care product that locks in moisture and keeps out chemicals will help, but here are a few reminders of the other basics you shouldn’t let fall by the wayside.

* Pay attention to your diet. All that rushing around leaves us less time to cook healthy, nutritious meals. But don’t settle for snack food. Take a little extra time to shop for healthy foods that don’t take a lot of preparation. If you tend to load up on frozen foods you can just stick in the oven, get them at the health food store. At least you won’t be loading up on chemicals.

* Sleep. No matter how busy you are. Sleep renews the body and the brain. Without enough sleep it’s hard to focus, hard to think, and hard to plan. Just about everything you need to get done will get done faster if you’re rested and alert. And, you won’t feel quite as desperate about getting a facial �" sleep prevents bags, sags and sallow skin: it’s one of the best kept natural skin care secrets.

* Exercise. It keeps the nutrients pumping through the system to keep up your energy and, best of all, it releases endorphins - a great stress reliever.

* Even though you might not have time for your usual natural skin care treatment, don’t stray too far. Don’t just grab any old soap from the drug store because you don’t have time to shop for your favorite natural skin care products. Stock up before you get really busy and you won’t run out of your favorites.

Friends, family, shopping for gifts, cooking special food and having special meals with the people you love should be fun. The few basic steps above are good natural skin care treatment for any season but, during the holidays, they’ll also give you the energy you need to get everything done, and enjoy it!

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is an expert author on skin care solutions and contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, please visit