Natural Skin Care from the Fruits of the Sea
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Even though mermaids do not have enviable legs, above the waist they are reputed to be very beautiful - long, silken hair and soft, luminous skin. While you may have trouble believing the legends about these mythical creatures, there is good reason to believe that if women did live in the sea they would indeed have luminous complexions. The sea is one of the most bountiful sources of skin care nutrients and anyone who prefers natural skin care would be wise to add some of these to their cabinets.
Seawater and sea plants are among the most fruitful sources of natural skin care nutrients. The balance of nutrients is very similar to human plasma, and many of the elements in sea plants are vital for healthy skin and hair. Each type of sea plant contains different ingredients and each has different properties.
Kelp, also known as Lamanaria Digitata, is very high in silicon. It is excellent for dry skin care and keeps the skin from wrinkling and sagging.
Algae, obtained from seaweed, is a great detoxifier and is often added to bath salts for deeper cleansing. It is also a natural moisturizer, good for dry skin care and is reputed to prevent wrinkles.
Dulse - Rhodymenia Palmata - has natural emollient and moisturizing properties and is especially good for oily skin.
Bladderwack is high in several minerals and sea salts and is used to cleanse and refresh the skin. It's also great for toning and stimulating the cells.
Red seaweed provides carrageenan, also known as Irish Moss - an excellent emollient and good for natural skin care regardless of your skin type.
Seaweed, the basic - no fancy names - is also known for its detoxifying properties and is a favorite for oily skin.
The use of seawater, sea minerals and sea plants is common in many therapeutic settings. Known as Thalasso Therapy (from the Greek word "thalassa", the sea) spas around the world often use sea products for skin care and cellulite prevention. These treatments are very relaxing and tend to get rid of aches and pains.
You don't have to be a mermaid to take advantage of what Mother Nature has provided. Proper skin care gets the results you need and enhances general health in the process.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit