Scientists Say New Wine May be Effective Eczema Treatment

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Germans scientists have turned their talents to the world of gastronomy and produced seaweed wine - which, in addition to its epicurean delight, will apparently help improve eczema. While we can't vouch for its success at your next dinner party, we can appreciate its benefits to the skin - although a shielding lotion may be a more appropriate external eczema treatment.

What does seaweed have to offer? It has long been considered a 'super food' - fat-free, low calorie, and full of vital minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine and sodium. In fact, some seaweed contains those minerals in the same ratios and concentrations found in human blood.

In addition to nourishing the body, one of the most important health benefits of seaweed is its ability to remove radioactive strontium and other heavy metals from the body. Whole brown seaweed, such as is used in seaweed wine, contains alginic acid which binds with the toxins in the intestines and carries them out of the system - preventing them from being eliminated through the skin, as is the case with eczema flare-ups.

If you don't fancy the wine, you might try adding seaweed to your diet in other forms. It can be found in most health food stores, or those that sell ingredients for Japanese food. You can add strips of it to soup, use it to make a soup broth, or eat it dried as a snack. The red algae seaweed, such as nori, agar-agar, and Irish moss are also very good for you. Nori is the seaweed used to wrap sushi, but Gaelic people also mix it with flour to make bread. Agar-agar is a gel used as a base in many Japanese desserts, and dried Irish moss is most often used in relishes, breads, soups and fritters.

In addition to shoring up your diet with seaweed and other healthy foods, the skin also requires protection from harsh chemicals and other external toxins if you want to avoid eczema flare-ups. Hundreds of dermatologists are now recommending a good shielding lotion as an effective external eczema treatment, although, who knows, if seaweed wine gets really popular we may soon be shopping for our body care products at the local vineyard.

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for Gloves In A Bottle, Inc. For more information, visit