Self-Help Natural Skin Care Basics from Dermatologists
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Going to a dermatologist is always prudent whenever you have a severe, puzzling or persistent condition, but, regardless of what other treatment is recommended, there are a few self-help basics that will go a long way when it comes to preventing and treating skin conditions. Healthy skin starts with a good basic natural skin care program of the type recommended by most dermatologists. Here are a few helpful hints:
-- Reduce the temperature of your bath and shower water. Although it’s hard to imagine that sitting in a bathtub could dehydrate you, extremely hot water does dry the skin and cause moisture loss.
-- Switch to natural skin care soaps and cleansing products, and use less of them. Even the gentlest cleansers can cause dry skin.
-- Eat well. Cut down on sugar and processed foods, and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Good nutrition is a basic in natural skin care. What’s happening inside our bodies is directly reflected in our skin.
-- Take vitamins. It’s hard to get everything we need from our diets these days. Vitamins A, B, C, D E, and K are particularly beneficial to the skin. Trace minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids are also vital.
-- Exercise. It improves and maintains circulation so your skin is well-nourished and healthy.
-- Wash you hair only as often as needed, and use natural products. The chemicals in hair products cause a number of scalp conditions, and when your hair brushes against your face the chemicals cause facial skin conditions as well.
-- Wear sunscreen. There are several natural products available that don’t contain harsh chemicals.
-- Cut down on cosmetics and use natural cosmetics whenever possible. If you’re currently using foundation, you may be able to avoid it by implementing natural skin care basics that will give you healthier, glowing skin.
-- Use a shielding lotion. It protects your skin against the harsh, harmful chemicals and pollutants in our environment, and in the products we use. Hundreds of doctors now recommend them.
If you’re still having skin problems after implementing these suggestions, see a dermatologist to help diagnose and treat your condition. However, you may be surprised at just how far you can get with at-home basic natural skin care. Give it a shot!
About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit