Seven things about Laser Hair Removal.

By:Dr. Phil Hariram

FDA approved since 1995, Laser Hair Removal has improved the quality of
life of thousands, especially female with male pattern hair growth.
Removal of unwanted hair by laser is a major advance over treatment
such as electrolysis. It has brought hope to several individuals with
hair growth in areas where they cause embarrassment. There are certain
things you should know about this form of treatment. Some are listed
1. What is Laser Hair Removal? It is a laser beam targeted
at the hair follicle. The high intensity ray of light gives off heat
energy. The laser tracts along the hair shaft, heating it and leading
to thermal damage to the follicle while leaving the surrounding tissue
unharmed. The effectiveness of this treatment depends on the
concentration of melanin in the hair. It is more effective in dark
hair, less effective in brown or ginger hair and will not work on
white, grey or platinum blonde hair. As the laser travels along the
hair shaft, there must be hair present. It is, therefore, not
recommended to pluck unwanted hair before treatment. Similarly since
laser hair removal works on the melanin level, dark skin or tanned skin
need alternative treatment.

2. Cost depends on the size of the area that needs treatment. The
larger the area, the greater the cost. In the USA, the average cost per
session is $450 and in the UK, the cost may vary from £45 to
£450. Treatment may be for several sessions in a year because
hair will re-grow. The re-growth, however, will be slower and the hair
thinner. Mr. David Gault, Plastic Surgeon, reported 80% reduction of
upper lip hair growth after 6 months.

3. What you should find out: Make sure you know as much as you
can about Laser Hair Removal. Choose a clinic that offers free
consultation so that you can assess suitability and what is on offer.
Find out before hand how much it will cost you. Make sure you know
whether a medical practitioner will be on the premises during your
treatment. Check that your assigned therapist is suitably qualified and

4. How safe: Laser is a pure high beam light. It does not cause
cancer. It only penetrates up to the dermis of the skin. It is
dangerous to the eyesight. You will probably use goggles to protect
your eyes during treatment. The skin can be darkened by laser because
of the melanin concentration. Too much exposure can leave the skin with
paler patches that slowly fades away. Over heating can cause blistering
and rarely scarring especially in darker skin and people with recent
tans. The paler you are before treatment the safer and better the
You should not have laser hair removal if you are sensitive to light or
have any infection on the area to be treated. You should not have
treatment if you had isotretinoin as acne treatment in the last year.

5. Is Hair removal permanent? Laser hair removal and
electrolysis are considered the only permanent hair removal treatment.
Although laser hair treatment is promoted as permanent by the industry,
this is not strictly the case. It cannot stop the unwanted hair from
re-growing. It will, however, slow the re-growth so that it can take
several months or years. The re-growth will consist of thinner hair.

6. What happens during treatment? Depending on the types of
laser beam system and the area to be treated, you may be required to
wear goggles. Laser hair removal treatment can cause stinging or the
area may tingle. The time taken for a session depends on the size of
the area and can last between 15 and 45 minutes. The area concerned
will be treated roughly once a month for between two and eight months.
Not all lasers are the same and results may vary with different
systems. Before you embark on Laser hair removal, make sure you do your
7. What types of Laser Hair Removal are available? There
are various types available. The Ruby Laser is the oldest. It is not
suitable for dark skinned or tanned people and only covers a small
area. The Alexandrite Laser is the fastest laser available. It is used
on light to olive complexion. It is the most popular type because it
can cover large areas of the body. The Diode Laser works better for
dark skin and is not as effective in lighter skin. It is fast and
covers large areas during treatment. The Long Pulse Nd:Yag Laser can be
used on all skin types. It is fast and covers large areas. Patients,
however, tend to experience more discomfort during treatment. Intense
Pulsed Light (IPL) is not really Laser but will have the same effect as