Shielding Lotion Relieves Treatment-Related Dry Skin Sufferers

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More than half a million people may die of cancer in 2006, according to projections issued by the American Cancer Society. However with today’s modern treatments, a cancer diagnosis no longer means the worst, especially if caught early – something the May health observance, National Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Awareness Month, stresses for those at risk for skin cancer. Yet for many, the most common cancer treatments can have unpleasant skin reactions, particularly dry skin. Dermatologist-recommended shielding lotions may combat these unwelcome side effects.

"I’m used to treating patients, not being a patient,” says Wayne Weber, M.D., a gynecologist practicing in Costa Mesa, Calif., who found himself on the receiving end of patient care when he was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer last year. He is now in complete remission following several months of chemotherapy, but suffered severe dry skin as a result."

I noticed the dry skin after two months of my chemotherapy,” he said. “I began using Skin MD Natural, a shielding lotion, as a means to combat the dryness in my hands. Within just one week, I noticed a difference.”

Many cancer patients suffer a variety of skin disorders resulting from either radiation or chemotherapy. Healthy skin cells divide rapidly in deeper layers and old cells slough off at the surface as a means of renewal. Both chemotherapy and radiation can interfere with this process, resulting in dry skin and other reactions.

Chemotherapy drugs destroy cells that grow rapidly, typical of cancer cells. Unfortunately, normal cells, such as skin cells, also grow rapidly and are affected.

Radiation may also cause skin to be dry and flaky within 2 to 3 weeks after therapy begins and can take 4 to 6 weeks to heal.

Some of the more common skin disorders that cancer patients may experience include:

•Tingling, burning and flaking on palms of the hands or soles of the feet.
•A serious bacterial skin infection requiring immediate medical attention, characterized by redness, a tight, stretched appearance of the skin, pain and tenderness.
•Itchy skin: Caused by the chemotherapy or the cancer itself, as in lymphoma and leukemia.
•Irritated and sometimes peeling skin following radiation treatment.
•Blotchiness or darkening of the skin around the joints or along the vein used to administer the chemotherapy treatment.
•Thickening of the skin on hands, feet, face or areas of administered chemotherapy.

Most of these skin conditions can find relief in a shielding lotion, like Skin MD Natural, however always seek medical advice if the condition worsens or changes following cancer treatments.

About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit