Should Men Still Look After Their Skin?

By:louise forrest

Looking after your skin is extremely important, even for men. Most men these days like to look after their skin anyway, just as much as woman do!

You can sometimes tell exactly how healthy a person is, simply by looking at their skin. It is not always easy to keep it in tip top condition, especially if you hack your face to pieces with a new razor, keep eating junk, and drink like a fish all the time! Luckily enough though, there are certain things that you can do to look after your skin, even if you are guilty of the above mentioned sins!

How to Shave Properly Without Irritating the Skin

Many men out there try all different methods of shaving. From foams to gels, and simple plain old water, most men have tried them all. If you do experiment a lot with shaving products, you may have already noticed that shaving goes a lot more smoothly when you use an aloe based shaving cream or gel. This is down to the soothing effects that it has on the skin on your face, and on your neck. Not only do aloe vera products sooth the skin however, they also make the razor glide a lot more easily and smoothly, meaning that you do not have to keep going over the same spot over and other again, which generally causes a massive irritation to the skin.

If you are new to shaving or if you just do it any old way, then you should know that you need to shave in the direction of the grain first in small movements, and also keep washing the razor to get rid of any hair and stubble which is caught between the blades. Afterwards try to apply some aftershave balm, or a moisturizer to help soothe the skin, and stay away from any aftershave with alcohol in it, as this will really irritate the skin!

Know Your Skin Type and Treat The Skin to A Facial!

To help look after your skin, you first have to know what type of skin you actually have. There are many products available on the market, but choosing the wrong one could cause the reverse of your expectations.

Getting a facial is not just for women, and by having one every now and again, it will really improve your skin and leave it feeling fresher and healthier. If you are suffering from blackheads, a facial or a cleansing mask can really help to reduce them and even get rid of them completely.

If you are not sure on your skin type, the person giving the facial will be able to analyze the skin, and also what condition it is in. Once you know this, you can have a daily regime which will be suited exactly to your skin type.

Avoid Using Soap

If you use soap on your face regularly, it could actually be causing your skin a lot more problems than it should be. Soap is not the best product to use on the face, as it strips the skin of its natural oils and due to this, it actually produces a lot more oil which can cause the face to become oily. Instead of soap you could try a gentle foaming cleanser which will be a lot more subtle on the skin. If you require something a bit stronger, you could consider using a cleanser, or a spot treatment containing salicylic acid and beta hydroxyl.

What to Do After a Wild Night Out!

So you have been out drinking like a fish, and you have now woken up feeling a little under the weather. Your skin has seen better days and it feels dry, irritable and dull. It is no shock that drinking alcohol sucks all of the moisture out of your skin. The only way to stop your skin from looking so dull is to continue your daily routine of skin care. This should include cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

Another great tip is to use an eye gel mask to relive your eyes and to stop any bags from appearing.
So there really are no excuses, look after your skin and in turn it will look after you! Men should take care of their skin just as well as women. There are lots of products available these days for men and so there really are no excuses anymore!

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