Skin Care - Warts
- By:M Akram Khan
Warts are a type of skin lesion and are of many types and shapes. These may be flat and smooth, large, small, itching, painful, bleeding, dry, oozing, hard, soft, in crops or isolated etc. Most of them are non-cancerous in nature and can be treated differently by different healing systems. In homeopathy there are different medicines for treatment of different types, which may also vary according to location of the warts.
Most common of the warts are flat or juvenile warts and common warts, which are also called fig warts. As the name goes, flat warts are flat and usually with smooth surface but fig warts are those which look like small cauliflowers. They can be located any where on the body including nostrils, eyelids, genitals and around anus. They are mostly brownish in color. Most important is the shape, which distinguishes them from other types. They are not flat or smooth, can be nearly a millimeter in diameter or as big as a dried up grape or even bigger. Large ones are usually longish in shape and start hanging down due to their weight. If they are given a cut, they will bleed as much as any other part of the skin. Warts on palms and soles are usually hard and non-bleeding. They are not brown in color. Warts on soles can be painful on walking. In some individuals more than one type of warts may be present at the same time.
It is said that warts are caused by virus. They can also be inherited. If any of the parents or grandparents had warts or moles or both, most probably the children will also have them though different in shape, size and number.
In orthodox treatment system, the treatment for warts consists of local destruction by chemical (salicylic acid, podophyllin, formalin) or physical methods like burning, freezing or curettage. Surgery plays a major role in treatment of warts. Problem with these methods is that they will not stop the warts from reappearing elsewhere.
In homeopathy, the treatment is by oral use of medicines according to the type and even location of the warts. If medication is done correctly, the warts disappear permanently without leaving spots on the skin, never to return.
There are various homemade chemical preparations for external use, which can successfully remove fig warts but drawback with such application is the same as for destruction by other chemical or physical means. The warts will reappear elsewhere on the body. So one has to make a choice between different treatments.
In homeopathy there are over 50 medicines to treat warts but every medicine cannot be used for every type of wart. It will have to be chosen according to the type and other symptoms of the individual. Commonly used medicines are Antimonium Crudum, Calcarea Carbonica, Causticum, Dulcamara, Ferrum Picricum, Natrum Carbonicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Nitricum Acidum, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur and Thuja etc.About the author:
M Akram Khan is a homeopath and Reiki Master/Teacher. He offers homeopathic consultation for all acute and chronic diseases including effective treatment for vitiligo, migraine and hepatitis. Visit
for details. He also offers Reiki Training and Treatment.