Skin Care Treatment Begins With Preventing Dry Skin
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Dry skin is the basic problem leading to almost all skin problems - dry skin, eczema, cracked skin, rashes, and even little wrinkles can often be prevented and healed if you successfully address dry skin. Instead of your medicine cabinet being filled with a dozen different high powered products for every condition, you could use a few natural remedies and have just one skin care treatment product that handles every condition.
Why is dry skin the basic condition behind such a wide variety of skin problems? Because the skin is designed to protect and heal itself. We now have hundreds of skin care treatment products on the market, but the incidence of skin disease continues to rise. In fact, in many cases, the skin care products are the problem. The chemical ingredients roughen the surface and strip the natural protective oils causing moisture loss and vulnerability to bacteria and toxic chemicals. However, most people can have great skin with just a few simple changes.
* Diet: Stay away from sugar, processed and junk food, eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Supplement your diet with nutrients - including essential fatty acids. Drink several glasses of water every day and avoid cigarettes, caffeine and alcohol.
* Exercise: Keep the circulation and metabolism high and keep your body toned.
* Skin care treatment: Go for old-fashioned and folk remedies - coconut oil, palm oil and other oils with the correct pH balance are great for cleansing. Rose water and witch hazel are great toners - rose water for normal or dry skin, witch hazel for oily. Prepare homemade masks with egg yolk or sea buckthorn oil. Give special treatment to the delicate skin around the eyes - chamomile tea or rose water works great - and replace thick, greasy moisturizers that block pores with a good shielding lotion for a skin care treatment that keeps moisture in and chemicals out.
Above all, don't disturb the skin's natural structure and function. Most skin problems today are caused by overloading our body - inside and out - with the harsh or toxic chemicals that are part of our modern environment. Living a healthy life that promotes and reinforces our natural defenses and using skin care treatment products that do the same is a simple, and safe, solution.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit