Skin Care Treatment for Allergic Contact Dermatitis
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Eighty percent of dermatitis is due to contact with substances that are irritating to the skin, but to which one is not allergic. But 10 to 20 percent is a result of severe allergic reactions. This number may be dwarfed by the non-allergic type but, when you consider the billions of dollars spent on health care and lost workdays related to skin disease, it is significant both economically and personally. Thousands of dermatologists now recommend shielding lotion as the most effective skin care treatment for a variety of skin conditions and those with allergic contact dermatitis can also benefit.
The list of most common allergens is relatively small, although a wide range of workers is affected.
* Poison oak and poison ivy affects firemen, maintenance workers, forestry and parks workers and just about anyone who works outdoors.
* Epoxy resins are common in high tech industries, cable workers and electricians, workers who lay tile, linoleum and carpet and plumbers, both indoors and outdoors.
* Nickel affects dental technicians, mechanics, jewelry and ceramic workers, cashiers, battery makers, electroplaters, miners, refiners and those who work with computers, electronics and textiles.
* Chromates also affect anyone working with batteries, arc welders, professions involving paints and dyes, leather tanners and lithographers.
* Acrylics are a problem for printers, dentists, denture maker and orthopedic surgeons.
* Topical medications can be a problem for anyone, but medical personnel and pharmacists undergo constant exposure.
People working in the above fields are constantly on the lookout for skin care treatment that works. To complicate matters, sensitivity to one of these substances can induce sensitivity to others resulting in a never-ending search for skin care treatment products that themselves do not cause a reaction.
The development of shielding lotion was inspired by a desire to create a skin care treatment product to help those who work with harsh, caustic and irritating chemicals. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to retain natural oils and moisture while keeping out chemicals. Those with allergies to these substances would be wise to give it a try. It may be just the skin care treatment they're looking for.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit