Skin Care Using Herbs

By:Awinita Smith

The word ayurveda has been coined by the conjunction of two Sanskrit words, "ayur" meaning life and "Veda" meaning knowledge. The word together means the knowledge of life. In ayurveda the process of ayur (life) is considered as a combined state of body (sharira), senses (indriya), psyche (mana) and soul (atma).

In ayurveda herbs plays most important role. Here we are giving some basic information about herbs and their uses.

Aloe Vera

It is useful for X ray burns, Dermatitis, Cutaneous and disorders of skin. Drug from juice is tonic and is used in jaundice, ameneorrhoea, atonic and piles. Aloe Vera Gel has the remarkable ability to heal wounds, ulcer and burns.


It is Tonic, Abortifacient, Astringent, Deobstruent, Nervine, Aphrodisiac and Sedative. It is official Indian Pharmacoepeia. It is popularly known as Indian Ginseng. It gives vitality and vigour and helps in building greater endurance. It has been used in diseases such as rheumatism, leprosy and arthritis.

Basil Herb

It is Diaphoteric, Anti periodic, Stimulating, Expectorant and Anti-catarrhal. It is used in malaria, catarrh, bronchitis and gastric disorders. It also lowers blood sugar levels and its powder is used for mouth ulcers. It is widely worshiped in India.


It is Nauseant, Stomachic, Anthelmentic, Stimulants, Emetic, Expectorant, Carminative, Antispasmodic and Nervine Sedative. Rhizome is used in the cure of host of diseases such as epilepsy, mental; ailments, chronic diarrhoea and dysentary. It is used in incense sticks and dhup and is widely used as insecticide for lice, bedbugs, worms etc.


The roots are bitter, refrigerant, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, abortifacient and trichogenous and are useful in burning sensation, leprosy skin diseases and amenorrhoea. It is used in pre mature graying of hair. Henna is widely used for drawing tattoos, arts and designs. Leaves are useful in wounds ulcers strangury cough, bronchitis, dysentery etc. The fruit is thought to have emmenagogue properties.


The entire plant is antibacterial, antifibrile. It yields an essential oil and menthol which exert, through their rapid evaporation, aslightly anaesthetic, and anodyne local effect. It is effective in headache, rhinitis, cough sore throat, colic, and prurigo and vomiting. Menthol obtained from this is used in balm. It is also used as flavoring agent in culinary preparations.

About the author:
This article has been published by Awinita Smith whose specialization are in Health related topics and currently writing on Skin Treatment topics for In past, she has written more articles on natural health care which can be seen in the same website. For more details about the Skin related issues or Natural Skin Care, please visit website. If any mistake or error is found in this published article, please get back to us at this address; so that we can rectify it promptly. You can also see more information on acne treatment on this page: