Skin Treatment Takes More than Creams, Lotions and Cosmetics
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If you're trying to get rid of wrinkles, creases and slackness in the face, neck or lower jaw and want to avoid a face or neck lift, it's going to take more than creams and lotions: you need a good diet to provide the nutrients needed for healthy skin, skin treatment products that prevent dry skin and protect it from harsh chemicals, and effective face and neck exercises.
Because exercising the face and neck is not usually part of our daily skin care treatment and it may be something you don't know much about, here are a few basic facts: the face and neck are supported by several large and small muscles. The two muscles that form the back of the neck start at the base of the skull and come down to the shoulders. The muscles on the sides of the neck descend from the skull just behind the ears to the collarbone. There are minor muscles as well, but exercising the larger ones also gives the smaller ones a good workout. The muscles around your jaw, mouth and cheeks also play a role in shaping and firming your face and neck. The bottom line is this: if the underlying musculature of the face and neck is weak, the skin will sag - no matter what other measures you take. If you've been on a good diet and trying one skin treatment after another but still not getting the results you want, exercise could be the missing ingredient.
Bearing that in mind, here's a good daily skin treatment routine:
* Eat a healthy diet high in fresh, natural, organic foods with lots of greens, proteins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Supplement your diet if you need to, but don't get fooled into thinking that if you eat junk food the supplements will keep you healthy. They won't.
* Exercise your face and neck. You can get the muscles in the back of the neck in shape by lying on your back, putting your hands on the back of your head, then raising it as you push back with your head and neck and forward with your arms. Start with about five repetitions and slowly work up from there. The sides of the neck are exercised by rotating your head slowly towards one shoulder and then the other. You can do this while sitting, standing or lying on your side. This also exercises the muscles in the throat to further tighten the neck. Work the muscles on your face by pronouncing the vowels with exaggerated motions - mouth open wide and high. Say each vowel tens times before moving onto the next. Watch yourself in the mirror and you'll see what happens. You can also buy facial exercisers - check on the Internet.
* Prevent dry skin and protect it from chemicals and harsh environmental conditions. This is as vital as a good diet and exercise. Damage to the surface layer of the skin strips the skin of its natural protection against moisture loss, chemicals and pollutants, and harsh wind and weather. This, in turn, breaks down and inhibits the production of collagen and elastin - the support structure within the skin tissue.
Don't be fooled by the hundreds of products on the shelves that claim they will do all this work for you. Get on a good diet, do the face and neck exercises, get rid of as many household and cosmetics chemicals as you can and protect your skin from moisture loss, pollution and harsh weather conditions with skin treatment products that preserve the integrity of the surface layer. Why is this routine better than a facelift: it is natural skin care treatment that corrects the underlying problems. Without that, your first face lift is not likely to be your last. It will also save you thousands of dollars, and you'll look like a million.About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit