Skin Type and Indoor Tanning
- By:Wes Cox
"Almost anyone can enjoy indoor tanning. However, you need to know a few things about yourself so that you can engage in safe indoor tanning practices using the right tanning lotions and other tanning products. One of the major things that you need to know about yourself is what your skin type is. This will help you determine how long to tan, what types of tanning lotion to use and how to best protect yourself from the risks that are associated with indoor tanning. You will want to work with a professional at your tanning salon to determine the exact details about indoor tanning for your skin type but you can figure out some of the basics on your own so that you have a good starting point.
It is generally agreed that there are six different skin types in terms of tanning. The characteristics of those basic skin types are as follows:
1. Lightest skin tone. People with very pale skin that sometimes appears almost white or translucent fall into this category. These people also have light-colored eyes. This skin type has trouble tanning naturally and burns very easily. People with this skin type have to be very careful when indoor tanning. They should be extra cautious to use the right tanning lotion and to work with their salon professionals to limit their sessions appropriately. Some people with skin type one will find that indoor tanning is too much for their skin and they can’t do it safely.
2. Light skin tone. People with this skin tone are very similar to those in the first category. However, they do sometimes tan naturally without burning if they are careful in using outdoor tanning lotion and sun protection. These people benefit greatly from indoor tanning where they can use the right tanning lotion and timing to create a controlled environment that allows them to tan without burning. Limited exposure in the tanning bed is recommended as is gradual build-up of the tan. People with a light skin tone should not look for quick results.
3. Light brown skin tone. People with light brown skin as well as light brown hair and eyes will find that indoor tanning works well for them. These people often burn outdoors but this burn regularly turns into a tan after the burn fades. Using the right tanning lotion, people with a light brown skin tone can safely tan indoors, avoiding the burn and getting the desired tan.
4. Light olive skin. People with this skin tone will get a sunburn if they are outdoors in the sun too long but will also tan easily. Using the right tanning lotion and tanning habits, they can get a great tan from tanning indoors.
5. Dark brown skin. People with dark brown skin tend to tan easily outdoors and will find that they see the same results with indoor tanning.
6. Black skin. People with what is considered to be black skin rarely burn and are less likely to use products to assist with tanning. People with this skin type will tan well in an indoor tanning salon. They should use tanning lotions which moisturize the skin to increase the evenness of the tan and improve the glow behind the tan.
Knowing your skin type will help you figure out what kind of tanning products are right for you and how safe indoor tanning may be. Unless you have unusually light skin or some extraneous condition, indoor tanning should be safe for you if you follow the proper procedures and use the right products."
About the author:
Baxter Owens is the developer of, an ultra premium Tanning Lotion website