Skin Types - What's your Skin Type
- By:Juliet Cohen
Skin can change with age, environment, seasons, and even on a weekly or monthly basis, womens skin can also change with thier cycle. Skin types tend to fall into three main categories: oily, dry, and combination skin. Most skin types are genetically determined, but can be worsened by the environment, diet, harsh soaps, and overuse of the wrong skin care products. It's easy to determine which skin type you have. When you get up in the morning, before you take a shower, wipe your face with a dry tissue, top to bottom. If it comes up greasy, you have oily skin. If it's dry, you have dry or combination skin; a little grease on the center of the tissue also suggests combination skin. The main hallmark of an oily skin is an overall shine. The skin is often sallow and its texture may be coarse, the opening of the sebaceous glands, or pores, may be particularly noticeable. Oily skin tends to attract dirt and dust more readily than dry skin.
Normal skin is firm, with a healthy appearance. It is normally smooth with small pores. Sensitive skin is prone to damage from environmental factors. The skin is often red and blotchy and allergy to cosmetics is common. A sensitive skin needs special care, as it may be sensitive to some ingredients found in popular cosmetics. Those with sensitive skin should always use beauty aids that are hypoallergenic to protect their skin from allergic reactions. Normal Skin is not too oily or dry and blemishes are uncommon.
Types of skin
1. Normal Skin
Normal Skin looks clear and does not develop spots and blemishes. Pimples are rare and pores are small. Normal skin has an even tone, smooth and firm. The pores of the skin are fine and barely visible. It reflects good health and needs gentle treatment.
2. Dry skin
Dry skin often has problems in cold weather and ages faster than normal or oily skin. Dry skin can get irritated very easily. It is prone to wrinkles and lines. It is due to pores that don't produce enough sebum, and can be worsened by hormones, aging, harsh detergents, and environmental factors. It needs a moisturiser during the day and a good cream at night.
3. Oily skin
The main hallmark of an oily skin is an overall shine. Oily skin is typically thicker and firmer than normal skin, with less sensitivity to chemicals, detergents, or perfumes. This type of skin is caused by the over secretion of sebum making the skin surface oily. The excess oil on the surface of the skin attracts dirt and dust from the environment. This type of skin needs to be cleansed thoroughly.
4. Combination skin
Combination skin is unbalanced and therefore you'll find that some areas are more prone to spots and will be oily, while other areas can feel tight and be quite dry. This type of skin is very common. It is a combination of both oily and dry skin with certain areas of the face oily and the rest dry. Usually there is a Central greasy panel consisting of the forehead, nose and chin and a dry panel consisting of cheeks and the areas around the eyes and mouth. Other combinations are less common.
5. Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin is prone to damage from environmental factors. This type of skin has a fine texture and is very sensitive to changes in the climate. The skin is often red and blotchy and allergy to cosmetics is common.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles on skin care tips and beauty tips. She also writes articles on acne treatment.