Skin care-keep it natural
- By:Jojo Michelle
In the last decade, more and more people go to doctors with all kinds of skin problems. From the simple ones like a little rush to some complex ones, unknown even for many doctors. Why that? The answer may not be as simple as it looks like. The main inculpate in this problem is the chemical pollution. All those chemicals in the air cause our body to stand up and fight, so these side effects appear. How can you cure, or prevent any kind of skin damage? Eradicate the air pollution. Of course this is a utopia. There is one simple way to escape from this trap with a smooth healthy face. You should star some skin care treatment. Regardless of your gender, your skin needs to be well treated every day.
Did you ever asked yourself why all doctors insist on having a healthy skin, or using some day by day skin care products? We’ll tell you, just one amazing fact about your skin and maybe this we’ll be enough to change your opinion about skin care treatments or products. It is known that the skin can cover an area of 17 to 21 square feet, being the largest organ of your body. More than that, the skin weights almost one-sixth of your total body weight.
Natural skin care treatments are widely debated. Many people want to know if there is any method for cleaning your face that all others. The answer is simple: yes. But it doesn’t mean that if you have the best technique of cleansing your face than you don’t have to do nothing. The skin care treatments may be complex because you have to fight not only with your body, but also with your lifestyle.
First thing to do when you start a skin care program is to develop a proper diet, which fits your daily program and respects some simple rules. Your diet should be composed of vegetables and fruits with high quantities of vitamin A and C. This will help you to maintain radiant skin over years. You should avoid food rich in carbohydrates and try to adopt a rich in protein diet, such as the Atkins diet. No matter what diet you choose, you definitely have to avoid refined sugar! Eat natural and as little unprocessed food as you can.
Now that you have one healthy diet, let take your skin care treatment further. All this work is done in vain if you skip the most essential part of this program: CLEAR YOUR PORES. You can’t do anything if your skin isn’t clear or you have lots of skin oil. How to clean may be a real problem because skin care products that also cure acne tend to extra dry your skin because of their content rich in sulfur or benzyl peroxide, chemicals that dry up the oil skin produced by someone. If your skin becomes extra dry, then you have another big problem because that will cause your wrinkles and fine lines to develop, accelerating the aging process.
Then what should you do? It is better for you if you will start using noncomedogenic cosmetics or skin care cosmetics. These products do not cause or make your acne worse, so you can use them without being worried for side effects.
Best thing to do is to try some natural skin care cleanser. Well known for their antiseptic effect is the eucalyptus or try tea tree oil.
Now that you finished with the cleansing of your face, you have to tone your skin. This is one important step because it will refresh your skin complexion, and protects your skin of further infections because it closes your pores. The best products in this gamma that will suite you are the one containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
The science took this problem to a higher level, and created some acne skin care treatments that may even have some complex ingredients which will help lightening the color of your skin scars, contrasting and hiding from the eye. This effect is obtained of the skin care products contain glycolic acid and hydroquinone. You don’t need a prescription; you can buy them from the local pharmacy.
If you have a smooth skin, it is best to prevent than treat, as many doctors say. For that, you should take an extra care of your skin, and use some sunscreens to protect it from the UV. Be careful; because using large quantities of any skin care cream or lotion will harm you skin more than protect it. The most trusted protective lotions are the one made only from natural products or herbs.
The most important thing in all these skin care treatments is to let your pores breath. Don’t cover them with extra make up. Doing this, the pores will not be able to breathe normal, and your acne will extinct.
You know some essential tips about skin care, but remember, you shouldn’t confront alone with acne or any other skin problems. Talk to your friends, talk to people which had the same problems, but the most important thing visit a doctor. Don’t treat yourself, even if you use natural skin treatments.
About the author:
Natural acne treatment - Clear PoresAcne treatment best rated product. Clear pores natural acne treatment products for skin care.